Seeker Magazine

All There Is

by: Patricia Baumgardner

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Oh my children, my dearly beloved, night and day your cry ever reaches my ears; "Who am I and why?" you cry. "What is this emptiness? What is this void? Must I journey into the deep?" You run to and fro searching for what already is, but you do not see it nor yet understand. Those you call strangers are merely unrecognized aspects of yourself and those you hate are shadows you have denied.You say "I love you," but how can you love that which you do not know. I am all there is, yet I am nothing. I am everywhere, yet I am nowhere. I cannot separate from myself. I am all there is - there is no other.

How long will you look outside of yourself for that which is within? Do you not know that except you be born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God and to be born again you must die? Remove the veil and understand the mystery that is not. That which is hidden in darkness is reflected in the light of outer reality and the light is created to reveal the unknowable.

Behold - the kingdom of God is within you. Know this -a house divided against itself cannot stand. Put away thy petty grievances and false absolutes for truth is eternal with no beginnings and no end. It knows no limitations. Set me free to be all that I am. Come drink of my living waters and know that I am good.

Oh that I might be rejoined with myself that I might once again know wholeness. I frantically search for myself with blinded eyes when I am ever before myself crying for recognition and integration. Though I appear to be separated, I am not. But I do not know that. I kill, mame and destroy those aspects I deny only to be reborn again to show me I exist. "Physician heal thyself is my cry, but I do not hear. I do not yet understand so the war in heaven continues even until now. Oh that my suffering would end that I might know myself and be healed.

To all of you who know me and to those yet to come,look into my eyes and know that I am all there is, yet I am nothing. I am merely a reflection of you.

To those who have an ear to hear, let him understand a parable: I am an artist continually creating in passionate ecstasy from my eternal void to mirror back all I am. But, unless the fertilized seeds fall into the ground and die they cannot bring forth fruit. Therefore, I lovingly plant them within the depths of my womb and nurture them as an expectant mother anxiously awaiting my birth. To understand this is to understand the three in one.

Blessed Be!

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