Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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Neurotic Squiggles

"Focus on what he is doing--
That neurotic little kid.
See how he makes his crayons swing,
Through lazy loops and skid."

"We must unscramble how,
His neurotic squiggles
Protect his ego now...
Disregarding giggles!"

"They're more than idle imagery;
They aren't what they seem,
So we must use depth psychology,
To find out what they mean!"

"It's the best tool to interpret
Clumsy symbols such as this;
The means most admirably fit
To treat this lad's neurosis!"

"This scientific remedy,
Will help us all to see,
If this youngster will be ready
For competition by age three."

"See how his curves meander so-
His sexuality
Is disturbed and his libido
Lacks age maturity."

"His circles fail to overlap;
A sure indication
Of the trouble this little chap
Has with integration!"

"And this marginal omission
Shows lack of refinement-
This lad's distorted cognition
Will need meta-alignment!"

They thought they understood the child
When they analyzed his squiggles,
Overlooking all the while,
That they caused his nervous giggles.

**Copyright 1998 by Charles Albano. (CharlesAlbano@webtv.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

I Wish

I wish people would start dancing,
Preen away their shyness,
Stand naked and bathe in the rain,
Instead of cowering in abodes,
Away from that which nourishes them,
In the end,
Comfy where you are?
There's plenty of time for that, to be cozy,
Snug and warm,
When you're 6 feet under,
And then some.

I wish people would start smelling the air,
And I mean really try hard,
Not choke on the fumes, dust and dirt;
Belly up, facing trees,
Shady, I smell clean air all around me,
I don't want to be enclosed in a car,
Up and down the highway of life,
Where you only stop when the lights are red,
I just want to stop,
Whenever I see the rainbow,
Or the sunset to my right;
Pull over,
Turn off the cursed air-conditioner,
I like the condition of my air just fine.

I wish people would stop building,
Their little walls around them,
Secure in the knowledge that no one can
Get in,
But one day you'll see,
When you see me running wild,
There'll be no one there for you,
No one to tear it down,
As you die inside your cute little cubicle;
I built mine too, everyone has,
But I chose to stand on the outside.

I wish people could just sing out loud,
Who cares?
It's loud enough in the city anyway,
I've got a chorus for the grind,
Hum a tune,
A chord from the soul,
An airplane roars from above,
That's ovation enough for me;
I would ask the lady in red to dance,
While we wait for the bus,
Come on everyone!
Grab the nearest person;
Walking pace,
It can be really sound monotonous,
Echoing, echoing...
As we clock in, clock out,
Synchronous slavery,
We're addicted to its chimes,
Well, I just say, "Fuck it!"
Even if for just 5 minutes,
We'll dance away,
Hold me close, stranger,
I won't know you well enough to hurt you,
Not will I betray someone,
Who is of the moment;
Everything is fleeting,
Relatively speaking,
Then again, this 5 minute rhapsody,
I'll remember you,
Someday, when I'm awfully low...

I wish you could just look me in the eye,

**Copyright 1998 by Woei Hern (heartsprk@hotmail.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

Mama RV

"You're stucco," he stated,
"Crisp, crackled texture,
for wisdom's gathering
Alligator jointed...
Pick up the dry patterned earth
And roll, woman, roll."

"You're pleated," he noticed,
"Musky folded rolls,
Perfumed with pain,
Swells and caverns...
Find traction in potholed passion
And roll, woman, roll."

"You're treadmarked," he said,
"Three toed patterns,
Channeling tears,
Framing laughter,
Penny-legal cheeks,
Life's highway mapped
Skin to bone...
grip reality with vintage visage,
And roll, woman, roll."

**This work is copyrighted by Raven Sidh (RavenSidh@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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