Seeker Magazine

Beyond Earth-Bound Reality

Experiences in Harmony--in Love

The entire universe functions
in a plan and pattern of harmony
Its cycles interrelated--
in sync with all
This is a scientific and logical observation…

Harmony can not be the result of chance--as a 1,000 piece puzzle can not be put together by chance; every part must fit together perfectly in relation to its neighbor to complete the picture. Similarly, the universe is a giant 3-D puzzle with billions of pieces fitting together perfectly in relation to each other.

Mankind's creative intelligence can make up a cardboard puzzle, but some master creative intelligence has worked out and continues to work out the harmony within each atom and with the interrelationship of every atom of creation.

Atoms combine into molecules
Arrangements of molecules form the elements
the components of plants
the animal kingdom
our human bodies

Thus we see that the patterned harmony pervades all--simple atom to the billions of atoms combination of our human body. >From this simplistic view, the workings and harmony of creation can be intellectually understood.

Harmony's Workings

Where there is harmony no discord can be found. When we are getting along with all, we feel the atom's harmony in our lives.

How can we get along with everyone? By acting in kind and caring ways--by feeling the cellular roots of oneness we all share now, and shared even before our atoms were created.

Something can not come from nothing--
The idea of harmony was
Before the physical creation emerged

The progression from single atom to human manifestation is a natural harmonious process. Along the pathway of evolution from atom to man the organisms grow more conscious of themselves.

There was a gorilla at the San Diego Zoo who communicated with humans using 500 hand signals of American Sign Language--including signals representing its emotional feelings and desires. Yet, the gorilla still lacks creative intelligence to design and create anything apart from its past experience.

As humans, we visualize in our thoughts and dreams that which we have never done or seen, and can creatively use and combine the elements to make manifest our visions. We are drawing on a level beyond the physical world. No less-evolved form has the capacity to understand or use that which is beyond its own form. To the extent of our awareness we can use our brain centers for abstract conceptualizing and for working out plans for bringing our ideas to physical form.

Harmony as Love

We enjoy being in love. At those times in our lives when we are immersed in loving relationships life seems harmonious. We seem to notice the positive side--we enjoy the beauty, though always present, even more acutely.

Harmony--also called love
is an experience or sensation
of perfect compatibility…

When the mind steps out of its natural harmony it is entering a fantasyland--the mind gets fooled about what is real. When we think or act in selfish, negative, or unkind ways we separate our consciousness from the big whole--we spin off that great orb of loving harmonious light, becoming a small separate satellite, wandering alone. It is when we allow the mind to separate us by selfishness and negative thoughts and actions that we lose our consciousness of the total experience of self-effulgent, self-generated love.

As the plant reaches for the light of the sun
we have the capacity and destiny to tune our antennae of mind
to the light of harmonious loving experiences
in all situations
every moment of our existence
for happiness

Beyond Earth-Bound Reality

When do all-encompassing loving feelings become part of our conscious reality? At the human stage of the natural evolution we feel and observe this realization. Though the harmony is within every atom of our body and mind, we have not, till human form, had enough brain-power--extremely advanced and developed nervous tissue, to realize and make use of our innate harmony. In human form we first become able to realize and make use of our innate harmony and feel the happiness within our consciousness which is not dependent on any circumstance of our own body. And not every human will realize the innate happiness--harmony--in their current lifetime because of the circumstances and limitations in that person's current lifetime, such as an early death, self-centeredness, or numerous disabilities.

There is a natural evolution in human consciousness. All bodies look the same basically, but as soon as a person begins to speak and act we observe how very differently we each perceive the control we have to shape our own destiny. Those of us at the beginning stages of being a human are more self-centered. Those at the latter stages of human evolution have control over and awareness of themselves as manifestations of unconditional love for themselves, all mankind, and the entire creation--exhibited by their kind and caring actions.

An example of this progression of evolution in becoming consciously developed is seen in the struggles of the helpless infant, then the struggles of childhood and adolescence--on to the calmer maturity of adults who take on the responsibilities of their own families--bringing the golden rewards of usefulness, peace, and contentment.

What one person attains in awareness
of the innate harmony
we all will attain--
though many lifetimes may be required
to grow from self-centeredness
to feeling the bliss of selfgivingness
We all have the chance to grow
toward realization of our inherent harmony
by holding positive attitudes
and acting in kind caring ways towards all
The bliss of harmony becoming perfected
by our own practice--
till we are no longer the student
but one with the Master...

Article © Susan Kramer 1998

Leaf Artwork from the 'Leaves of Finlandie...' collection © Susan Kramer 1998

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