Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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Cold Comfort

by Terri Rolan

It is cold comfort,
when we lose, to hear the kind ones say,
"They are not really gone"
"They are in a better place."
Left behind,
we cannot see
"the other side"
as anything
a closed door.
We try,
to batter down the door,
or listen at the keyhole...
hoping to hear
a loved voice.
We sleep,
worn out by tears,
in hopes that dreams
will give us comfort,
change the emptiness
to presence..
if only for
a little while.
As the days plod by,
we grow used to the
blank space;
living pulls our minds
to other things.
We do not forget
(memory is all we have)
we only dream
less often,
and look again
for open

Copyright 1999 by Terri Rolan. (TRolan@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

My Rose

by Jerry Lee Lindsay

Always protecting itself
Reluctant to let anyone get too close
Past the perfect disguise
Of stems and thorns
Is a beautiful flower
Much more delicate
Than it appears
I see more of this in you
Than the rose

Copyright 1999 by Jerry Lee Lindsay(WxxxD@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Beach Grass Camp

by Kristie Shelloner

The blue tarps stretch like butterfly wings
from the side of the white Datsun,
just in time for night to fall
and blanket us in dark velvet.

We feel rich, surrounded as we are
by the earth's abundance.
Beach grasses make our bed,
soft and yielding,
a place to lay our heads,
that is inviting.

The rain cascades and runs
in rivers down the tarp,
plopping divots in the sand.
We are dry and grateful,
surrounded by water,
offering of the universe.

In the morning the Forest Service
stops and tells us we are wrong.
We must sleep only on the pavement
of the parking lot,
or far out on the beach.
We have hurt the grass.

I think: only a white man would sleep
on concrete,
or make his camp 20 yards from his pony
in the pouring rain.
You can't tie a tarp off to the wind.

The Forest Service says laws are made to protect people's rights.
I wonder who he's talking about,
the people, maybe,
who come here to play frisbee
and leave their trash along the shoreline,
or maybe the RVs who belch poison into the air,
but our campfires are the danger.

There's no point in explaining this.
It'll only get you put in jail.
We leave our precious grass,
I leave a strand of hair, burnished copper on the dusky green,
my color all I have to offer;
in thanks,
for the sweetness of the night.
We wish the Forest Service a good day.

Copyright 1999 by Kristie Shelloner (orleans@pcweb.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Springtime in Kosovo

by Angela Koskie

Springtime in Kosovo
	like a smashing symphony
	of tambourines
	and unbound violins
	lost while weeping
	over charred battlefields
	cymbals slam
		and bang
	and never ever sleep.

They play the same tune over and over
	and the woodwinds dropped out
	a year ago
	leaving banging and clanging.

Cover your ears Skopje
	as the band marches in
	diminished in size
	but the sound is still great
	and carries the souls
		of one hundred and fifty thousand refugees
	of children who are no longer singing
	and mothers who no longer bother to cover their ears.

It clangs and bangs and marches on
	in tedium
		over mountains
		in lines it pulses
		and never forgets
	in distant stares
		is almost forgotten.

And you who yearn for the silence
	will regret your wish
	when cymbals silent
		let in the thoughts
		now abated
		by this musical season.

The conductor laughs and bangs and clangs
	and gave up the ending long ago.
He goes on
	because he no longer can stop.
He goes on
	because the smashing symphony
	keeps time with his beating heart.

	It is all he has left.
	If he lets go, he dies.

Copyright 1999 by Angela Koskie (akoskie@sfcg.org)
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Star Child

by Robert Jaunsen

Swept by waves of eternal time,
Where ending unites beginning,
Beyond the universe sublime,
Nature sparked a living thing;

Utterly majestic in thought,
Aching beauty pulsing with light,
From a miracle nature wrought,
Where there exists no day or night;

A fiery burst in deep cold space,
In cataclysmic agony,
An immortal soul without face,
Cries vibrating in symphony;

Across dimensions of darkness,
Lost between somewhere and nowhere,
Beyond starbursts that are endless,
Grew nature's star child like a flare;

Celestial destiny rages in,
Intense with its tenacious zeal,
Great angels appear lacking sin,
Before the star child god they kneel;

Where comets race and hot stars dance,
Scores of miracles resonate,
Heaven forming particles prance,
Spiritual thoughts germinate;

If nature had eyes they would weep,
On wings of haunting reverie,
With a stupendous flashing leap,
In rapture star child came to be

Copyright 1998 by Robert Jaunsen (jaunsen@4dcomm.com)
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Loves Never Lacking

by Brian D. Oslick

The miracle of love
the source of our being
the gift's the giver's pleasure
inspires wondrous feeling
for whenever seeing
of warm smiling eyes
unexpectedly receiving
a glance that belies
hidden meaning
hearts race to fly
coming together
distance withers to die
forever enraptured
in each other's care
scented as rose petals
filling the air
tasting of kisses
together we share
loves never lacking
as soon as we dare

Copyright 1999 by Brian D. Oslick(BDO1964@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

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