Seeker Magazine

We Are Students and Teachers

by Laurie Abbo

An excerpt from Inspirations on Spiritual and Holistic Parenting

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There is nothing that goes on in our life, nor anyone who moves through our life, that doesn't have a message for us. We, who are co-creators with the Source, are constantly drawing to ourselves synchronicities and coincidences that serve to help us wake up to the reality of who we truly are.

When you see someone who is happy, even-keeled, spreading joy, and living without judgement, you can be sure that this person has learned to assimilate the lessons that others have brought to him/her. No one goes through life without challenges, hurts, disappointments and sadness. The master of life is one who knows how to assimilate and learn from all of life's circumstances.

Also, those who have weathered the lessons of the painful sort eventually stop calling to themselves lessons to be learned through pain. You must first choose to gladly accept and learn from the pain before the pain stops coming. Reframing the course material, so to speak, can change any negative lesson that comes your way into a positive one.

Our children are our greatest teachers. There is so much pain and joy associated with raising children. Since I have started to really listen to my children, soul to soul, I have found much wisdom emanating from their words and actions. When I find myself in conflict with my children, I take out the mirror and look to see what it is reflecting back. What issue about myself have I not looked closely enough at that it is causing my children to act in ways that are difficult and challenging for me?

There are times when I am putting my child to bed that such incredible wisdom comes forth from his tender little mouth and heart. I am often amazed at what bits of wisdom I glean from him, if I but allow myself to see my child as my equal and not my subordinate. Many times my son has told me to lighten up, not get upset, not freak out, or over-react. What truth that is! Even if our children are acting out, we must be at our center when this is happening.

I just have a feeling that once I can see the lessons in all that I encounter, I will become a very grateful student and begin to learn from a place of joy rather than struggle.

(Copyright 2000 by Laurie Abbo- No reproduction without express permission from the authors)

Inspirations on Spiritual and Holistic Parenting will soon be released .

Letter to Laurie Abbo at

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