Perhaps we will ask the millions who lived before you How your life has been worthwhile And take a poll of those perished by campfires, Starlight and moonlight as to your glow. We can make inquiry of countless lives like sparks spiraling in the dusk, Blazing for an instant in the bracing evening air, Extinguished with not even 15 seconds of awareness On God's Granddaddy watch hanging from hip trousers of time. You say that you matter yet what have you truly spoken (And what fair scenery have you traveled in your mind)? If character is cut like stone upon an unyielding block of consciousness Then the lines of suffering have not etched deeply enough To awaken your soul with a geography barely drawn from experience, As if you had moisturized your life against scars of authenticity and valor. And if you are like a field waiting to be planted, Then where are the roots reaching into the dankness of darkness So that brilliance can blaze forth from your eyes? I am nothing. My opinion cannot matter. Yet when I gaze upon you I would hope to see That you are not polished and exfoliated like the others, Born, then dying into a void of getting by, Not fighting, not making a mark, content To confuse beauty with a state of being unblemished.This is not character. This is cosmetic Barbie. Don't correct the shadows with slices of cucumber So when Kali severs your head to wear upon Her necklace of grinning skulls, remember .. We reminded you. We implored you. We asked on bended knee That you sink completely To the ecstatic agony of life and marry genuine experience, Even to drown And to be reborn .. Lest you only skin the surface, A frothy bubble washed away by the next fickle tide.