Seeker Magazine

The Timeline of Healing

by Susan Kramer

So, who is the one healed and who is the Healer?

As we close in on Reality, we see that the Healer and healed are one; that our thoughts of love for others heal us during the very process of caring.

This self-healing by the Self of All happens when we are energized by joy. Joy felt in meditation. Joy felt in loving unconditionally. Joy felt in each moment of personal radiance.

Healing is usually an ongoing process over what we experience as a time line. And with each of us the time line is longer or shorter according to what we pack into each moment; according to the degree of love in attitude, thought, and action that we pack into each moment.

When we love all
with the same unconditional love
we feel for ourselves
we are healed

It is only when burrs of judgement or self-centeredness are stuck to our personality that we are not fully healed. Pick off the burrs and our innate Healer shines, pours forth through every pore of our being. Impediments dissolving away.

Healing occurs
when we love with full vibrancy
purging away remaining traces
to experiencing Oneness with the Healer
Oneness with our Creator-Sustainer-Healer

Letting Go to the Healing Process

When riding down the road, the straighter the route, the quicker we reach our destination.

It is the same in the healing process.

When we set distractions in front of us that keep us from moving directly to our goal, it will take longer to be healed.

The choice for the direct route, or the circuitous route to healing is ours.

Healing will occur as a part of our evolution, anyway. The benefit of taking a direct route rather than set delay tactics in front of us is that we get to be in natural joy sooner.

We can always put excuses in our pathway to healing, but if we are going to go for the gold anyway, why not let go of barriers and distractions right now?

Remember that essentially we are pure joy at our core.

Letting go to begin and stay with the healing process is a decision of setting aside non-productive choices we are making now, or have made in the past. Replacing the non-productive with productive and conducive habits to regaining, maintaining health.

Letting go to the process of healing
Ongoing every moment of every day
Till basking in our innate joy
The joy of our birthright and destiny as humans
Healing is regaining wholeness
Holiness lies in our wholeness

ã 2001 Susan Kramer