Seeker Magazine

"The Wind" and Other Poems

by Debbie Helser

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The Wind

The wind blows
The wind blows
See the wind in the dance of the fairy flowers upon their stems
In the quest of the tumble weed seeking, forever seeking
The dance is the language of love, the language of spirit, expressed in body
The quest is the journey of humans, searching, searching
Be still
See the wind
The wind is the universe's breath

The wind blows
The wind blows
Hear the wind as a chilling howl
In the angry roar of the tornado, destroying its path
Hear the wind in the rustle of the wheat upon the field
The howl is the cry of loneliness, of longing
The roar is the battle over power
The rustle is the hope of hungry people
Be still
Listen to the wind
The wind is the universe's breath

The wind blows
The wind blows
Feel the wind in the slinging of sand against skin
In the brush of the passing breeze on dry skin
Feel the wind lift and carry
The grains of sand are bitter words of hatred
The breeze is a lover's kiss upon a cheek
The lifting is the power of Spirit
Be still
Feel the wind
The wind is the universe's breath

We breathe
As the universe breathes
Our breath ties us to our past
to our future
Our breath ties us to the universe
Be still
Breathe the wind
The wisdom of the universe is in the wind


For these long months
I've dangled at the end
     Of the hangman's rope
Felt the nails of the crucifier in my hands
      and feet
The needles of the voodoo
      Piercing my skin
      With their jabs of accusations

I'm tied to the charred post
      The ashes of my fore sisters
      In mountains at my feet.
My lips sewn shut with
      The thorny vine of a martyr

Arising from the ashes,
I spurn my captors
I spit in the faces of those who
      Speak libelous lies.

I am lifted on the wings
      Of the sacred eagle.
I fly into the arms of the Goddess.
      In Her hands I find my spirit.

Scatter my seeds on the fertile plain below
Nourished as it is by the dust
      Of the sisters who have trodden
      This path before me.

The land is saturated by my tears,
Tilled by my anguish
Prepared for the sowing
      The seedlings take root.
The cycle of life lives on.

Celestial Meetings

Did you know
That we meet
at night?
High above the sleepy streets of our city
At a celestial café in the sky
Where we share a cup-a-Joe,
      lightened with the cream
      of the Milky Way.

Did you know
That we sit at a table
for two?
Far above the obligations that bind us
Relaxed in a cross legged posture,
      mirroring one another
Sipping in silence
Watching the stars shooting across
      the freeways of Heaven
Reveling in our freedom together
      In the luxury of timelessness.

Did you know
That when I need you
      You leave your bed?
You fly to meet me
As the umbilical cord of my heart
      Winds its way
To the cord of your being
They weave a Celtic knot
      Of intricate design
Joined together in an anastomosis
      Invisible to all but us.

I can look in your eyes
I can touch your hand
I can hold you as you hold me
I speak my needing
And know that you are there.

Poems Copyright 2003 by Debbie Helser (No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author:
Debbie Helser at