Seeker Magazine

Living from Spirit
A New World Vision

by Diana Kennedy

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We've done our work. We've all been to the latest workshops. We've been in therapy, read the books, released the negative beliefs and now we stand poised at a pivotal place in time. There are enough people on the planet at this time who have been focusing on personal growth to really make a difference. It's time to turn our attention outward. It's time to reach out with our minds and our hearts to create positive change. We've been on the edge of a new consciousness for several years and now we are ready for a new world vision.

James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy, The Tenth Insight and The Celestine Vision (two of which hold the #1 and #10 NY Bestselling Spiritual Books of all time) explain eloquently how this new world vision is coming about. Recently I had the pleasure of hearing James and his wife Salle give an inspirational talk and meditation at Unity of Ft. Walton. I felt a sense of renewal after hearing him share about the meaning of coincidences in our lives. I've heard that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous and I can feel their power. I've learned to eagerly anticipate coincidences to see where the Universal life force may be guiding me next.

Being aware of the synchronicities in our life is the first step in creating a new world vision. In order to move to a more loving and peaceful experience here on Earth, it is what we do with the coincidences that matters the most. Have you ever noticed a synchronicity – thinking about a friend and then bumping into them in the bookstore, or picking up the phone to make a call when that same person is calling you? What do you do with this opportunity? I know so many times I've passed people repeatedly in the hallway at work, the odds rather low that I would see that particular person time after time. Was I missing out on a synchronistic event by just nodding and moving on? Was there a conversation we were 'meant' to have, an invitation to extend, a smile to give, love to receive?

When we become more aware of how much we affect others, perhaps we will be more conscious in all our interactions, especially when they appear to be synchronistic. A concept taken from scientific chaos theory has it that nature is so interconnected it is possible for a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world to affect a hurricane in another part of the world. I wonder if we have the same appreciation for how our daily interactions affect other human beings?

In what ways can we be more conscious in our interactions with those people who cross our path? How can we better uplift those around us, an integral part of building a new world vision? I am still learning this one, trial and error. It seems to me that when we truly listen, that is with focused awareness, we cannot help but be more compassionate. Warm eye contact, a gentle voice, a non-judgmental attitude – these are a must if we are ever able to heal the wounds of the world.

A crucial component of this as described in A Course in Miracles, is forgiveness. How many times have we condemned others to hell? How many times have we emotionally abandoned each other, leaving others hurting and crying? How many times have we perceived guilt in ourselves and our brothers, leading to more misery? Forgiveness, or learning to not perceive guilt in another in the first place, is deeply healing.

A new world order is at hand. We know that our thoughts produce our reality. It is our thinking that has created this world, and it is our thinking that will create a better one. It is through our minds that we can be aware of synchronicities, uplift others and practice forgiveness. We are all connected. Like the affect of the butterfly's wings - as we change, the world cannot help but change with us. Together we are creating a new world vision!

About the author:
Diana Kennedy is the author of an E-newsletter, syndicated monthly column, and website named Living from Spirit. For more information, you may visit her website Diana Kennedy .

(Copyright 2003 by Diana Kennedy- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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