Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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Seven Riddles in Search of a Gemini


The true reveals itself, and the false and
draining comes through like so much Draino, and your spiritual pipes are
screaming, and you think, "How did I allow this substance to interact with
my inner drains, or being, or pipes or . . . . . . What is it, HUMAN?"

We're aware people. You'd think we'd spot a spotted purple hyena before we
went out to dinner with it, or that we'd notice a neon-flashing pipe-sucker
drain whacker before we took that same person into our inner kitchen . . .
Or invited them to share rent. OR EVEN asked them to love us or honor
    our relationship, our banquet of the repast.

Yet so often the appearance isn't the real thing and only the up-close and
personal reveals the true inner food lurking in the tempting baklava wrap,
and the riddle is unbecoming. Alas, you bite into what was advertised,
what bragged to others as being a succulent morsel, and inside is SHIT!

Then it's like, my god, how did that get in my mouth - - do I have to chew it?

Speaking for my own mouthfuls, holy mother, to think I thought I
had real friends and engaged with them and visited them and honored
them with my deepest being, and visited them in faraway states
and desert climes, and loved a special woman only to find that she enjoyed
making others miserable, and was waiting for the up-close moment to
take aim and deliver a really up-close dump.

Although we cannot beat ourselves up when others are crappy, yes, it is
our sacred duty to ourselves to step out of the line of delivery.


Send the CRAP packing!

(Copyright 2004 by Darius Gottlieb. No reproduction without express permission from the author)

You're invited to visit Darius' website for more of his photographs and his music at Art Bliss

Letter to the Author: Darius Gottlieb

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