Seeker Magazine - June-July 2005

Do Unto Others Marketing Methodology

by Diana Kennedy

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We've all heard the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Did you know that this little proverb is also found in all the world's major religions? From the New Testament we read, All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:1).

As individuals, we intend to put this into practice and many times we succeed. Have you ever encountered businesses that you wished followed this axiom? What about your own business? Have you been able to successfully put this principle into practice? Are you reaping the full reward of operating your business on Universal Laws?

Using spiritual principles creates an environment suitable for conscious enterprise. By conscious, I mean aware. Running your business with awareness means that your company's practices, policies and businesses plans (including sales and marketing strategies) all come into alignment with the spiritual values that you hold.

Ever noticed the hype of so many offers?

Recently, I was visiting a website that stated that their product had a special price for the next 24 hours. Since I was considering purchasing the product for a friend, but couldn't discuss it with the friend until she returned from out of town the following week, I was very disappointed. The next day I went back to visit that site, and the "so called" special was still on, still attempting to create a sense of desperation from me, their potential customer, to BUY NOW by telling me that the special was on for the next 24 hours only.

Obviously, the special price was never meant to last only 24 hours. The website was programmed to tell each visitor that only 24 hours was left on the reduced price for the product that I was interested in. I felt very manipulated, yet it stimulated some great conversation for me and some colleagues around what it means to run a business with spiritual principles.

I know there are many experts out there who would tell us how to run our businesses in order to make millions, and perhaps we can listen and see how their advice can align with our deep spiritual knowing. Then and only then can we move forward and take action, knowing that we run a conscious enterprise.

I've heard this question from those in business, "How can I create excitement so that my customers buy? Can I be in integrity with my own values and still run promotions? Is it possible to sell without hype?"

I also hear this a lot, "I've heard that 'spiritual minded people' are poor sales people." This doesn't have to be true. We can be the fair, honest, and creative people that we are and still create excitement for our products and services, and make a profit!

What would a more conscious "Do Unto Others" marketing approach be to selling products and services? How would spiritual values be portrayed in business?

The spiritual entrepreneur utilizes intuitive marketing. In other words, the business owner operating from his or her spiritual nature is able to listen to the still, small voice of spirit for guidance on what products or services to develop and sell, who to market to, and how to best serve their clients and employees.

By putting into practice the methodology of "Do Unto Others Marketing," doors began to open for me that I didn't know existed. Once I got clear on what I have to offer, aligned with my inner values, and followed Universal Laws, things just seemed to "fall into place".

One technique I teach in my "Do Unto Others Marketing" Email Class is getting in touch with the essence of your goals. In other words, ask yourself: what is the feeling I am truly going for? This helps you gain clarity about your deepest, most spiritual desires. Then, people, resources and events come together. You will find more and more that you just happen to be at the right place at the right time. Other techniques are used to attract the right and perfect customers, using Universal Laws.

Some things to consider: Is what you are offering in total alignment with who you are? Are you "in business" for the right reasons. Do all your products and services line up with your values? How do you market your products and services?

Using the Law of Attraction in all areas of my life, I've learned that our thoughts and intentions are made up of energy, or vibrations, that go out into the world and then attract to us that which is similar. Through our energy and use of words, we set the tone for our customers, not one of desperation but of enthusiasm to buy and use our products and services now. We can use timelines, special prices, and incentives to purchase and not manipulate with hype. Through using the techniques of the Law of Attraction, we are able to draw to us our ideal client.

Being in conscious enterprise we assume our current and potential customers are intelligent, loving beings much like ourselves who want to grow and make the world a better place. Encouraging our customers to follow their inner guidance when making a purchase honors them and builds a relationship based on respect. This is what creates relationships and serves the customer. Isn't that what being in business is all about?

About the author:
Diana Kennedy is the author of an E-newsletter, syndicated monthly column, and website named Living from Spirit. She is also the Ministerial Assistant at Unity of Tallahassee where she leads the early service, classes and workshops. For more information, please visit her website Diana Kennedy .

(Copyright 2005 by Diana Kennedy- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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