Seeker Magazine June 2005

Geese in Chicago park; photo credit Susan Kramer

Visits on Earth

Susan Kramer

Why do we visit earth?

As immortal souls
we enter these bodies
filled with vibrant energy
growing in lovingness
experiencing our harmonious place
in creation
Then, sliding out
we rejoin our Creator-Sustainer once again
mature, enriched
able to enjoy the fullness of our eternal home
we ventured from as babes.

At our beginning on earth we come as pure, clean canvasses. As our own artist, we fill up our canvas with our impressions from living. Some impressions we retain because they are beautiful to the inner eye, our conscience, and some aspects we refine till the entire canvas is a completely balanced, beautiful, inspiring masterpiece.

The blank canvas was clear, but by our good deeds and expanded consciousness the completed masterpiece is radiant.

Steps to building the masterpiece

1. The Golden Rule: Treat others as we would like to be treated. This means to harm no one by
words, deeds, or even thoughts. Thought vibrations travel between us over unseen paths, as the law of this universe is that for every action there is a comparable reaction. When we initiate good acts, our reward is that good experiences happen to us. Initiate an evil or negative thought, word, or deed and the reward will bounce back as an unhappy or painful event. Like for like. In this light, if we keep a positive attitude and help as opportunity arises, we will feel good in the moment and set the stage for further positive happenings.

2. Spending time in meditation: A still body helps still our mind. In the stillness of meditation we come to observe an inner vibration apart from our physical sense of hearing, and apart from our thoughts. Tuning in to this always present, constant, self-sustaining vibration calms us even more. The peace attained by observing this inner sound allows our mind to become very calm. Then we are able to listen to our inner voice of conscience which knows right from wrong and what is for the highest good of all concerned in our present dilemma.

So, by following the golden rule and by meditating, we set the stage for our balanced development and add to the beauty of the masterpiece of our lives that we are creating.

Attitude makes a difference

When we keep a positive attitude in following the golden rule, we are more likely to see good solutions.

A simple chore is boring to some and joyful to others. How can this be? The action performed is the same. The difference lies in one's attitude.

When performing actions with only thoughts of how we ourselves will benefit, we don't find lasting peace, contentment, happiness. Self-centeredness causes our mind to continually think of ways to please itself. No feelings of joy are felt because the whims of the mind preoccupy our time.

A caring attitude
with those around us
brings up our heart feelings
a warmness we feel in our body
and in our uplifted, expanded attitude

When we perform our daily work with the attitude of caring, we feel good. Just the attitude of caring draws energy into our body. The more caring we become, building up our level of happiness, the more we see the wisdom of our positive actions.


Experience, analyses, right deduction: Wisdom

Wisdom comes
from making the effort to learn
from every action
If we analyze and apply these lessons
in succeeding times
a best choice comes more easily

Wisdom provides a wise dome. The dome covers us with a shield against wrong action. When wisdom is achieved, the right easeful way seems the natural way.

A way to project wisdom right now is to have caring feelings for all people and the creation. When we act from our heart, we do what is best for all. When our mind is clouded by selfishness we can not make the best decision. When we act from lovingness we are doing only good.

we attain and begin living in wisdom
Our lives becoming
easeful, peaceful, useful, and happy
When we realize this happiness
we are realizing our immortal soul
Happiness is a quality
unaffected by time, place, or circumstance
Happiness is always with us
felt when we act in harmony
with our fellow human
and all creation.


Purity is another quality that contributes to us creating a beautiful masterpiece of our soul. Purity is the highest level of consciousness we can realize. It is the eternal essence of each atom of us and the universe.

Living purely
our peaceful mind.

When a cut glass crystal is squeaky clean, sun light shining through reflects out perfectly. When our mind is cleaned and purified by right living the divine light reflects out perfectly. The divine light serves as a beacon and model to all. As a lighthouse beacon shows ships the way to safety from a turbulent ocean storm, so the divine light shining from the pure person guides and points the way for others that they may come home safely to their full soul awareness, full soul development.

Pure of heart
Clear of mind
Life is calm
All is fine.

Being conscious that everything we think and do has an affect on us and others, should spark us to aim for inner purity if we want to realize our easeful, peaceful Self, our soul in its fullness.

While here on earth
having become a reflection
a reflection of pure love
We will no longer need to revisit
No longer need the transitory elements
of body and mind
We will fly free
just as we see a butterfly emerging
flying free of its confines
free from the confines of its cocoon
As with the butterfly
we are released from the confines
of our body and mind cocoon
freely expanding
freely expanding in joy!

Visits on Earth and photo credit of geese in Chicago park  © 2005 Susan Kramer
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