Seeker Magazine

Letter From The Editor

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June 01, 1996

Last year I moved to a third floor apartment on a rather busy New England street. I was dismayed to discover that there was absolutely no place to garden. I had always had access to at least a patio or a strip of neglected yard to call my won, but here even window boxes are an impossibility. With the onset of spring, I grew more and more frustrated. Visiting my gardening friends, or simply driving through the countryside brought on small bouts of depression and fed my longing for my own bright patch of growth. I was not looking forward to summer.

But then one day, as I was thumbing through articles for Seeker, I was struck with a strange and comforting thought. All the reasons for, and rewards of gardening were actually mine, and had been throughout the past year. Seeker was my little web plot, and each and every contribution we'd published was a rare and unique addition to what has proved to be a most colorful array of works.

I compared the arriving manuscripts to seeds and bulbs, each one with the possibility of a bright bloom. I painstakingly weeded, staked (and flicked the occasional aphid) when I edited. I arranged each piece as well as I was able for maximum display..and each month I was able to step back and view my virtual garden with a happy sense of accomplishment. And after gardening, I gave a heartfelt thanks to each contributor..each creator, for allowing me the opportunity to nurture and appreciate their "flowers" in my own little design.

This issue marks the end of our first year..twelve issues..four seasons of Seeker Magazine, and we couldn't have done it without you..our contributors. Thank you for a year of glorious color, fruitful labor and each month's bountiful harvest. I will put my little disappointment aside this season, and count you all among my many blessings. Here's to another wonderful year of internet gardening!

Denise Ruiz
Editor - Seeker Magazine

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