David Hunter Sutherland - editor of
Recursive Angel has seen
fairly wide distribution of his work in journals, magazines and reviews.
His most recent collection of work, "Between Absolutes" is scheduled for
release by RMP Publishing in early July. David is a longstanding member
of The Academy Of American Poets, National Writers Union and has received
many awards for his work.
He enjoys attending and participating in readings and will be at his first booksigning in Washington later this summer.
DESIDERATA ========== Plutos' Democracy, grounds in the grinds of human existence. Note-takers, bookkeeper, talisman... court of mislead and blood of band. The secretariat lisps into suckle her passage is pummeled to dust, her desiderata, raped. Beneath eyelashes proletariat the sheen of a bourgeois nose. holds fast the macabre, in this banquet of diaspora, fleshed-out machines entombe their drugs and dread I sit high and high-up, an heir to the company of their mute exhibition. ------------------------------------- SNOW PIPE ========= Caveat the bleeding with softwood, bloodroot, hyssop's soft poultice and brie sharp meal. To eat...to eat ! The tough-boned ancestors, ramidus -- erectus, swill of hominid on tap of dull pap, and relish the forbearers of field scented bowel, warring eyes behind masked emollient clay. To eat...to eat ! our bone ripened history, of violent misdeed, and full bloodied contest on fossil entrails. Then redress the resemblance in stone chisel resolve, lolling tongues to the nectar of a miscreant's glee broad- deviled embrace. To eat...to eat ! The hard-crusted lessons foraged sweets to a harvest, scattered whey to a scythe, of this slow crop to surmise. --------------------------------- CAPSULE ======= There lies a victim, smile wed to the lower jaw, Not her graceful dame, "heir fraulein" Not the spoor of broken youth A man, folded up like birth, tongue lolling under a seesaw glance Sung, not song of a martyrs' ragged glory. Placed, not eased into this gentle Fall. ---------------------------------------- TILE PROPHET ============ Lay in tortured grace, wince or recoil, aim or fire. Barrel-back through years of vacant expoundency, stand naked toss or... again, again, turn with arms akimbo, panting heart, busy the task, busy-out the world fleeing in confusion cower or stand, In truism son... we played you in Soho, wed you in Bali, leg-up on a cracked keg of Spanish Mary, " Ole' " drink in enough ? nut or bolt. Better.. kickback the ottoman dream it in drag, lip-it dead and swarming, tray the hearth -- old man.