Question & Solution Exercises for Manifestation & Attainment


Chris Pringer (c)12 '94

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Preamble Acknowledgment -- A Sample format:

I acknowledge my Total Being (Body-Mind-Spirit-Higher Power) capacity to effectively, efficiently, and safely search for, find, & develop any & all answers & solutions that these questions ask for or imply. As I simply ask each question, one line at a time as a thought, feeling, and/or image, and letting the thought, feeling, or image go, with faith that the answers come. I acknowledge that the answers &/or solutions to these questions are manifesting -- perhaps through communications that I sense within (via thoughts, feelings, imagery, etc.), &/or through my external experience(s) with things, situations, people, etc. I accept this done -- ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED! -- according to my highest needs, in accordance with Divine Order, Divine Love, & Divine Timing. Today and days to come I thank my Higher Power/Higher Self for showing me what such enjoyable and appropriate answers and solutions feel and look like! ("Appropriate" = in accordance with most practical application of Divine Order, Divine Love, & Divine Timing. "Safely" = free of inappropriate judgment, intimidation, or pain of any kind.)

Sample Positive Response Questions (PRQ's)

* How am I making it safe and enjoyable to be a Winner ? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How am I enjoying the effortless and natural and effective utilization of multidimensional Question and Solution ("Quest 'n Soul You Shen") techniques as I experience greater and greater peace and stillness of mind every day ?

* How am I enjoying creating and/or allowing an effective flow of communications between all aspects of my being -- including all those of body, mind, spirit, and "emotional body" -- in a balanced and productive manner such that my highest needs are taken care of, healing is facilitated, and Divine Order within my being is established and maintained?...And such that my mind is at peace ?

* How wonderful could it be/feel to experience the "positive side of the gestalt" in all the events and considerations that I focus on today ?

* What would it be like to enjoy feeling, as well as "knowing", on a continuous basis, that I am unconditionally loved and accepted for who I truly am, secure in the confidence that I am taken care of as I am present with all that I experience, being capable and effective in my world ? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How am I finding The Universe working efficiently for me today? How am I to catalyze the Universe to work efficiently and productively for me today? What good things am I developing for tomorrow and the times to come? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* Hmmm, how would this feel; what would it look like? [Insert this often amongst the various questions, and as you say it, involve your feelings, imagery, and natural curiosity, and direct this energy to your inner-most Being.] ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How am I effectively responding to potential emotion-stirring current or past situations, making consciously sure that I clarify current emotion from past or stored emotion and clarify true need to allow or stimulate appropriate feeling for true purpose attainment ? e.g. When I journalize potentially painful events, how am I writing about them, and how am I responding to my writing, and still keeping all concerned in a content that is open to the most positive and creative development? How am I most appropriately and safely doing this and facilitating any necessary grieving and/or responding to specific individuals and/or the Universe in a constructive, responsible, and timely manner ? How am I doing this and performing any constructive, therapeutic "reframing" of these events as memories in an effective way? ...(i.e. with compassion, unconditional love and courageous self-honesty regarding aspects of self). How do I best perform the above such that I maintain and/or increase my positive oriented motivation in accordance with Divine Order, Divine Love, & Divine Timing? How does this feel? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How do I enjoy nurturing and supporting my inner child as s/he is healed of any/all ineffective behavior, pain, loss, invalidation, anger, and/or limitations on my being All I can Be? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How can I best, most productively, use my intensely creative and solution-oriented mind: to help others?...To put my ideas into Action?...To communicate effectively to (and motivate as necessary) those who would best facilitate (or best help me facilitate them) the progress of above-related idea/projects? maintain the faith and positivity necessary to do the above until completion of such projects? How does this feel? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* What are the most Appropriate/Effective Questions for me to Ask and/or Ponder and Submit to the Universal Mind Today? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How am I making it safe and enjoyable: to have all I need to enjoy my life and do what I need to do? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How do I ensure that I enjoy the most effective and productive Timing for when I get answers to my Questions -- especially as regards those I may benefit most by writing down? How does this feel? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* What is it like to know, throughout my Being on a fairly (at least) continuous basis of experience, that I am unconditionally loved and accepted as I am now and always, enthusiastic, and ready to be present with whatever could possibly come next, no matter what, and to feel that? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED!

* How am I most enjoyably and appropriately realizing how I am manifesting the reality that I am safely in charge of my mood and my happiness, of deciding what energy I take in and what energy I give out, of who and what I am truly responsible to and for, and that I am, therefore, more and more safely in charge of what kinds of interactions with people and things I experience ?

* How am I most appropriately enjoying making it safe for me as: I take charge of my life, as I stand up for myself, and as I am more and more present as who I truly am in all circumstances more and more each day in Divine Order, Divine Love, & Divine Timing. How am I enjoying learning and feeling that today ? ANSWERS ARE FACILITATED -- Thank you, God!

* How am I most enjoyably and appropriately realizing that I am safely in charge of my mood and my happiness, of deciding what energy I take in and what energy I give out, of who and what I am truly responsible to and for, and that I am, therefore, more and more safely in charge of what kinds of interactions with people and things I experience ?

[NOTICE that the last PRQ provides an easy example of how one can convert most any affirmation. Hence we can quickly convert by simply prefacing it:

1) with "How am I [most appropriately] making it safe for me as: ..."
2) with, "How am I most enjoyably manifesting the reality that: ..."
3) with the word "realizing" in place of "manifesting"]
4) with "How am I enjoying how: ..." or
5) with "How am I finding how wonderfully easily: ..."
6) with "How am I creating the most effective affirmative question formats ?"

OK, the last one wasn't a prefacer but I trust you get the idea by now.

Other related articles by the author:
"An Ericsonian Reading for Resource Manefestation," (c)`96, "Questions for Boundaries," (c)`96, "INTER-RESOURCING The Use of Personally Applied Invocative Positive Response Questions (PRQ's) for Multi-Dimensional Facilitation of Information Sharing, Integration, & Access," (c)`96, "INTER-RESOURCING INVOC-Q's - The Use Invoc-Q's) for Multi-Dimensional Facilitation of Information Sharing, Integration, & Access Adapted for Group Prayer/Meditation" (c)`96, and "Self- Programming Body Invoc-Q's For Personal Growth Process and Healing." (c)`96

None of my writing is intended to be, to replace, or discourage the appropriate use of, medical attention and/or treatment, but as educationally informative for the purpose of overall health enhancement and preventative maintenance.

I appreciate any and all questions, comments, and/or suggestions you may have regarding the content or style of presentation of my writing(s). Should you want to contact me I can be reached via my America On-Line name, Chaliser. You can also reach me by mail or phone at the contact information below. I will respond to you directly if you like; eventually I will publish a set of questions and answers based on these correspondences.

I very much want to make this material more clear and appropriately informative, since these topics have rarely been published in mainstream media. This is beginning to change, fortunately, because more and more people want to enjoy the benefits of taking responsibility for their health. I find effective writing very challenging, but it is also very rewarding when I am able to help others to make a positive difference in their lives.


Chris Pringer                       Chalice Productions
Lic. Massage Therapist in           Alchemical Art & Writing
*Body-Mind Integrative Bodywork*    1819 10th Ave. West, #102
Reg Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master    Seattle, WA    98119
Muscles relate to attachments to and with that which we use to take our stance, hold our place, perceive and respond to our environment, and extend who we were, are, and/or want to be. That speaks not only to the body's condition and function, but to how it communicates awareness of where one is along the path
THE BODY IS . . . among other amazing things, a unique communications system -- intimately linked with one's TOTALITY. Establishing rapport with one's body is a PATH to self realization.
Mind-Body Awareness is one of the most simple, efficacious, & cost-effective forms of health insurance there can be

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