Seeker Magazine

Lightworkers and Y2K

by Immanual Simon Hunt

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The global weather patterns have been changing for some time. The countdown to Y2K is now being measured in days, and even hours in some public places - as I noticed at the Post Office the other day. By the end of May there will be less than 220 days left to count off. And if we are to believe the modern day prophets, the major Earth Changes will begin within a couple years, being mostly completed by the end of the first decade of the new millennium. These are indeed interesting times we have chosen to live through. Yet, the question of why we have chosen to become involved in these times, although of utmost importance, remains either unanswered or unacted upon by many of us.

The broad category of individuals which we have come to call "Lightworkers" should indeed have very little difficulty in answering the question - "To nurture, aid, and assist the monumental explosion of consciousness that will initiate a new era for mankind…" or something similar… is the standard answer, I believe. But with that thought in mind, I find it difficult to explain the multitude of "Lightworkers" that have taken the path of spreading fear, doom, and darkness instead of Love, Trust, and Light when it comes to our next big steppingstone, Y2K. Perhaps it might be appropriate to redefine the term "Lightworker." Or perhaps it is time to do an inner review and some soul searching, and maybe sharpen and exercise our discernment skills.

We know that our thoughts are very powerful. I've discussed how a group of individuals focused their collective thoughts on creating specific weather situations, and how those conditions were quickly materialized in spite of all meteorological indications to the contrary. Simply stated, where we put our energy today creates our reality tomorrow. What then are we creating when we focus on all the possible disasters that Y2K may bring? Are we not then contributing to their creation and manifestation? Personally, I am much more concerned about the effects of the collective gloom and doom energy being put towards Y2K than Y2K itself. After all, all that disaster and hardship energy will eventually have to manifest somehow!

When I listen to the radio talk shows, the task at hand for all lightworkers everywhere becomes so very obvious. All that fear being created, circulated, and escalated must be counteracted with Love, Light and Understanding, or we actually will have doom and gloom manifesting in our world for many years to come. And we must begin to act now, least we be too late in our efforts.

If you are a lightworker who has lightly skipped over the whole Y2K issue as being some technological event far afield from your spiritual area of endeavor, I implore you to reconsider. It is one of the major reasons you have chosen to become involved in these times and of the greatest concern to your mission in life.

Lightworker or not, if you are propagating disaster, fear, doom, and gloom, I beseech you to consider the repercussions of your actions and the consequences of the energy you evoke in others.

It goes without saying that there will be disruptions in our daily routines. But how many and to what extent depends a great deal on the energy we put towards it now. We can turn this simple computer glitch into the worst event in human history if we put our minds to it. Or we can utilize the opportunity as a stepping stone to create a golden new era for humanity. The choice is ours.

Forewarned, I can handle a week or two without electricity, water or gas; it could even be fun. It will be like camping out at home. And without all those electrical powered distractions, I could even spend time enjoying the important things in life - like my family, friends, being of service to others, and the natural warm glow of a candle in the night.

Will it really be that bad if the government falters and we have to become more self reliant? That sounds more like a step forward to me! After all, isn't that what Self-empowerment is all about? And I certainly wouldn't lose any sleep if the IRS ceased to function.

To those diehard gloom-and-doomers who so assuredly profess that this will be the end of the world as we know it; be forewarned. If ever I am in your audience, or even in close proximity to you when you're pointing your finger and so sorrowfully and despairingly making that statement, I guarantee you I will start a scene to be remembered. I will begin by joyfully jumping and dancing about, shouting in glee, "Hallelujah! Glory Be! I've worked all my life to bring that about. Thank you God!"

If the entry fee into the golden new age of humankind is that we subsist on dehydrated freeze dried vacuum packed morsels, I want no part of it. If on the other hand, the ticket into that glorious new era is learning to work together, sharing, helping one another in love and compassion, and creatively overcoming whatever the situation may be, count me in. That's why I came here in the first place.

I don't know how to say it any clearer; Y2K can be the best thing that ever happens to us.

(Copyright 1999 by Immanual Simon Hunt - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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