A commentary by Susan Kramer...
We each leave our mark now for what later becomes history. By today's actions, tomorrow's accounting of history is told.
Each of us contributes to the story that makes up the ongoing history of our world.
By studying the history of civilizations—either
through words left or even earlier through the relics we uncover, we can
see our past patterns. And as we are now blazing our own trail in history,
we have the opportunity to create a better present and future, by learning
from the mistakes made.
Modern civilizations have risen and fallen—but why have they fallen?
Civilizations fell when the collective energy was not going for the most truthful and highest resolve in their conflicts—personal and community. And this downfall was not just amongst the leaders—but amongst a majority of its members. Peace and brotherhood were set on the back burner and forgotten—burned away.
Then, doesn't it make sense that if we want our current civilization to grow and flourish for the benefit of us in our lifetime, and for our progeny, that we each should live in accordance with what we know is for our best, and for the common good, both?
By taking the time now, as we are preparing
to enter the new millenium, to reflect on the lessons that history has
left for us, we can best take the steps effective for our own good, the
common good—our planetary good.