Seeker Magazine

Focus On The Whole Of Life

by Laurie Abbo

An excerpt from Inspirations on Spiritual and Holistic Parenting

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It is important to see life from the highest perspective possible, for when we get caught up with the minute-by-minute transactions, we can get lost in what the big picture looks like. If we tried to put together a jigsaw puzzle without the ability to look at the entire picture on the cover of the box, we would get bogged down with way too much detail and have one heck of a time understanding what the completed puzzle is all about.

On the other hand, if we stop and see how little we have done in comparison to the end result, we lose the value of the journey. As projects take time to complete, so does the essence of our lives. We are transforming all the time; not a second goes by where we don't become something new and improved.

I read that, within seven years, all the cells in our body have totally been replaced. In essence, we are new every seven years. And just think, if while these cells are renewing, we become more kind, loving, compassionate, and let go of all judgmental thoughts, the cells can alter in structure, most likely enabling us to become healthier and to live longer.

In parenting, I see the big picture as striving to raise children who are happy, confident, joyous, compassionate, generous, easy going, etc. This is the ultimate result that I would like to see for my children. When challenges come up, then, do I greet these challenges as enemies or do I deal with them holding the vision of my child turning out in the above-mentioned ways? For instance, if my child brings home a bad report card, is my reaction going to foster those qualities in my child? Am I more interested in the type of career my child is going to have, or am I more concerned that she is going to be fulfilled as a person and able to give and receive love in a healthy way?

Always look at your motives especially when dealing with your children. Is it more important for them to have social status, or more important for them to be kind to themselves and others? Your guidance depends on always keeping in mind the big picture.

(Copyright 2000 by Laurie Abbo- No reproduction without express permission from the authors)

Inspirations on Spiritual and Holistic Parenting will soon be released .

Letter to Laurie Abbo at

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