Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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My Darling

you wonder when the passion will blaze
	and a streak of inspiration	
will jolt you into action

my darling we have only till noon
to set our communication ablaze.
The day is blazing, the shadows are falling
	and I am a light with your fire

you wonder when the fire will unfreeze
	and cracks of the ice will shatter
frozen throes we'd held so dearly

my darling we have only till high noon
to share these secrets.
Broadcast to the farthest beaming star,
	we let our presence be known
sizzling, we tear scabs of fear from our eyes
blistering, no longer floating with lukewarm desires

we have only till high noon to let our communication be known
only the deepest blaze of day to share our hearts rescued from the mire

you wonder when the passion will become noon in your life
when a light will break through shrouds
	of your safety never released into freedom

we have only till noon, and a streak of a lightening 
jumps off a griddle of enlightenment,
a streak of lightening insight will shoot from the moon
the sun will be blazing soon. Hurry while the light still fires from your eyes

We no longer need dwell in shadows
we no longer wade 
through hip "indeedy" fallacies.
My darling, my need for you is water for my fire
we are only a wonder to my awakening eyes

kiss me now there are only a few more moments
to share this passion
and merge our communication into the light

the shadows are falling
the shadows are falling
we have only till high noon... are only a wonder to my awakening fire.

(Copyright 2000 by Avant Soul - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
Letter to the Author: Avant Soul at

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