Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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by Richard Denner

Dancing in rainbow light
she dissolves duality.
Essence of the elements,
she conquers hope and fear.

Her passion gives rise
to flowers, bees, and animals,
this one, this one
and this one.

Copyright 2000 by Richard Denner. (rychard@sonic.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Heaven's Gate

by Peggy Meeks-King

In your dreams you find only
      calm weather with clear night skies.

      You see visions of a love among loves,
      almost as if you have comet fever.

      You thirst for one cool drink
      from an ocean on Jupiter's moon.

      But here on earth the dew runs off
      the red rose, the silky petals

      of the fire of desire at early dawn.
      Your blood becomes the water of the Nile.

Copyright 2000 by Peggy Meeks-King (poetpmk@yahoo.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.


by Ward Kelley

There are certain thoughts
the dead ones espouse that
are simply too obtuse for
my conscious mind to complete.

The dead ones try so hard
to be precise, "It's truly in
the foliations of the breathing
mind . . . when they intercept

the corrugated lap of death;
the fingers plied, interlocked,
a childhood church and steeple;
interwoven are the two minds

of the soul." Who can make sense
of the odd mechanics which they
are so keen to describe? Quickly
they refute, "Not make sense, but

strive to sense. The foliations:
this is where the poems come in . . .
and where the soul seeps out."
Clever words. But I appear hopeless.

Copyright 2000 by Ward Kelley. (Ward708@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

I Used To Paint

by Kathryn Berit Hoyme

Now I sit on cold stones
Pretending they're giving off heat
Like when Iąd place my hand on the icy window
To make the bus ride seem shorter
I used to dream.

My heart would jump
At the sound of your voice
Like the power lines in my county
All connected to me
I used to love.

When sheąd write, or send boxes
Iąd feel like a special person
Like when Iąd wake up from a dream
Where I was a princess
I used to hope.

Upon removing my hands from the keys
Iąd soak up the applause
Like riding a bike for the first time
Being chased by a loving parent
I used to believe.

The steady beats beneath me
Tearing up the ground
Would match time with the beating of my heart
Like watching your Grandpa die
I used to ride horses.

Each stroke of color
On a perfectly blank canvas
Would trickle down into my eyes
Like watching a perfect sunset
After a sultry, simple day
I used to paint.

Copyright 2000 by Kathryn Berit Hoyme. (kbhoyme@meltel.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Roar of the Crowd

by Vivian Cassina

You pass and heads turn,
     and I remember when you only looked my way.
Eyes follow your every move,
     and I recall how your eyes were only for me.
Your smile brings rings of laughter,
     and I relive our intimate smiles across the table.
Others take position to shake your hand,
     and I feel your gentle fingers slip over mine.

As I suddenly turn away, I hear the roar,
not from the crowd, but from the blood
rushing to fill the emptiness you have left behind.

Copyright 2000 by Vivian Cassina. (Poems by Viv@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Does the sun get tired?

by Jamie Wallace

Does the sun get tired?
Its never-ending cycle has to be exhausting.
No vacation get-aways, no personal days.
While one city looks at a sunset,
Another watches a sunrise.
It comes every day, never a suprise.

But wait....what about the clouds?
Does the sun welcome overcast days as a chance to stop smiling?
Or do the sun and the clouds battle, a constant competition, who will rule the sky?
And when the clouds take first and the rain falls,
it is a victory dance?
Or the sun's tears falling through, its chance to stop smiling?

Copyright 2000 by Jamie Wallace. (JamO2u@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.


by Michael David Coffey

In the rivers of life
 I searched
Finding tributaries and
          small places
Pools of transient calm
But the source eluded me
Though I never ceased
         to search

In the rivers of life
 I wandered
Exploring the world
  -- the forests
Pristine and vulnerable
Listening, longing
  for the sounds
Of falling waters

In the rivers of life
 I thirsted
Drank and wanted
Life's meaning in the
  glittering droplets of
     a waterfall

In the rivers of life
 I found
Sweet innocence and purity
Cloaked in white water satin
And the waters were all 
    around me
Cascading down in torrents
   of pure ecstasy
It was there at the source
   of the earth
I found you

Copyright 2000 by Michael David Coffey. (Mdcoffey@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples (skyearth1@aol.com).