Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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The Goddess and the Falcon
(A Poem About Kisses Returned)

It is only by leaving that we see
	where we are
		and that by going away,
			we understand coming back

			How do you trace this trail of belonging?

	Except by departure to return
		with fresh eyes

	Except by allowing farewells to be lost,
	Something shall perpetually be missing

You can only be kissing one moment
Found at a time

	And if these are not
	Your lips

	And your moment has
		a craggy face,
		   (weathered lips cracked 
			  and dried like a crone),

Kiss then these eyes 
	which would embrace the sight
		of all you see
			and enter to your royal throne.

Kiss then this precious thought
	whose wings you fly
		and falcon release the talons sharp
			to messenger flight

This moment's bright. 

Returns to grip and bleed
	where you have thrown away its kisses,
		like birds of prey alight,
			like plans which soon return to seize.

Pray then, kind friend, that your moments ripe
Are handled with a wizened glove
That when deeds and kisses return to land
They shall perch lightly on your hand of love -

Like a feather, strokes these moments
Even as you've stroked the mellowing age of time -

This visage wise. This steady stand
That in this virile body you still command

Its weather map reveals still
	the telling lines which lead to grace

In watchful placement 
	performs magic which intoxicates,

		Transforms the falcon to the dove
		Transforms each kiss to ageless joy
		To childlike bliss, to pure enchantment

Strokes now nightly your beaming face.

And only tragic that it took this long
To see Joy and Beauty which, rightfully, is thine -
		It surrounds you. Slows your haste.
			Deepens your understanding

	It blesses each empowered moment with peace,
	Reminds you to savor the nectar and the wine -

With each continuous breath you erase
Even the impatience which once controlled the person,
And with your Goddess, flower fruit upon the vine.

			You've never left.

			These gardens were always yours.

And now more than ever
There is enough time

Now more than ever your love can never abate -
This love surrounds you. This love nourishes you.

		It is your chalice and golden plate.
			Its strength is like armor
				to defeat any discouragement or rage.

Remember well these disarming words 
	that enlist sweet fortune's every favor

	Savor this love 
	Savor This Moment's Kiss

Which together, divinely,
You  two  shall  forever  create.

(Photograph and Poem Copyright 2001 by Darius Gottlieb - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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