Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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July 2001

Post-Vacation Whine

This month it was fun writing my Skyearth column because I had been doing it during vacation; I culled from the pages I wrote every morning once I got to the beach. But this issue is later than it should be. I had great intentions of getting it together last weekend, but all I did was write the column on Saturday and then start sorting through the rest of the line-up.

Then, since a week ago Friday, our locale has been the focus of wild and woolly thunderstorms every late afternoon and evening, some of them hanging around for a couple of hours or so. That cut heavily into post-regular-job computer time, because I don't trust my surge protector totally and unplug the computer when the thunder and lightning get moderately close and wait until it is well moved on. After a couple of night-time hours on the computer, my eyes have had it, so it's been a week of putting about three webpages together each night (can I whine some more?).

Would you believe I am tired of thunderstorms and drenching rains? In this 50-mile square metro area of Denver, Colorado, each section has had the equal opportunity of being pounded hard. Local flooding has been furious. Some areas have had as much rain in the past eight days as normally received in a year. It sure puts a crimp in going for pre-sunset walks, but it does cool the temperatures dramatically.

That's the reason behind the delay in the issue, and I apologize that it is later than my internal deadline.

Any other news? Denise (the former editor) and I got together in Maine for a weekend. After beachcombing for sand dollars, she, with her expert helpers, whipped up a dragon's head in the sand, and Mike created a big sand cat crouching at a sand pool in an incredibly short amount of time.

Also of note is this 6th anniversary of Seeker Magazine on-line. It constantly amazes me how quickly a year passes, just one month after another. It is also startling to realize that I've been in Colorado for four years already. Didn't think I'd be here this long.

I trust that each of you readers will find the coming month pleasant and beneficent. Blessings to you all.

In peace,

Ferns create mystery beside a dirt road in Hartland, Vermont
Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at