Seeker Magazine

Lisa Guliani

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In This Moment | Moccasin Dancer | The Kiss
Spirit | Meeting Place of the Waters | River | Runes

Lisa writes: I am 35, living in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. I have written poetry , children's literature,and short stories for many years. I am a published writer and poet in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and gather my inspiration mostly from the natural beauty surrounding me.

I love the way a poem can give shape and form to an emotion; how it can offer a glimpse into the soul of the writer, and perhaps touch the soul of another.....a poem is a stolen moment captured on a page.

Currently, I am compiling a collection of my poetry, as well as working in collaboration with a fellow poet on a book of fantasy.

In This Moment

Are you aware of the Wind.......
Do you...raise your eyes
To look full upon the Skies?
Ever notice breathing the Air,
Ever see the Trees?
Or contemplate the many Colors
And Undulations of the Earth......
We pass an ageless Bridge but once
On the Path of this moment....
Onward then, a forward Journey...
Shake the Pouch
And let the Pebbles scatter
At Random...
That of the Earth
   Embodies That which is Sacred....
Feel the Moon Tug at the Tides....
The Divinity of Prayer
Will lead you back to the Source....
Ever at the Beginning,
Where Self and Spirit
Offer Gifts of Fire,
Gifts of Words....
Within each of us lives an Oracle,
There too, lives the Sacrifice....
Through which self transforms The Self......
To reveal Matters Hidden.......
Know this: We are always
At the Beginning.....
In the Heart of Passion,
The Sun is Ever Rising........

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Moccasin Dancer

Moccasin Dancer
Step softly...
Taste the Rhythm
Of Swirling Smoke
Beneath your feet.....
Wisps of Cloud
Flicker in Reflection,
As shimmering Sunset
Melts Falls of Fire....
There flows Fantasy,
Adrift on a River's Dream...
Silent and Still,
Moon Owl remembers
A Time without Tears,
When Noone Danced

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The Kiss

At the edge of the sea I listen
For the song of wind and wave..........
Their music is alive,
With its own wit and wisdom,
          And hypnotic harmony........
I think I hear my name, over and over.....
I look out over the churning waters,
Far, far....out toward the horizon
Sun is dipping down
          To kiss the Sea good night....
Sea sighs and the chop calms to glass.....
I stand in the coarse grains of sand
Hypnotized by the rhythms of eternity,
Dreaming the Sun kissed me
          Whilst I drifted in the deep.......

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Ever standing
At the Beginning,
Waits for me
To release Expectation,
Unleash Attachment,
Gentle the Wild Creature,
To become One with it...
Embraces Heaven and Earth
As my Eternal Parents......
Is the Wild Creature
Unshadowed by Thought
In Mind's Castle......
Its song is the Rustle
Of Feather Grass,
Thru a vast and misty field......
I am drawn to hear
Voices That Whisper
To me from the Past,
Voices that have whispered
To Others....
To succeed ,
I simply need
To hold the Hand
Of Stillness......

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Meeting Place of the Waters

This day sees all in clearest light
Burden's end is now in sight....
A simple prayer should take me soon
To my little corner of the Moon......
I'm put on notice to count the days
Change occurs in many ways....
  Intent on movement,
I still must wait.....
Intuition will not challenge Fate.....
These days must pass, one by one
Before I shall see the rising Sun,
Active powers are working here
Of Trickery I must steer clear....
Direction of the Winds has shifted
An opaque veil has just been lifted,
I feel the presence of One Most Gifted
Around me now......
Physical shifts detail transition
It's time to turn and switch position,
To face the Sun despite the Ray,
Tomorrow's path differs from Today.....
Then to cut away the Old and Dead,
Reveal Self at Center, forge ahead.....
This labor has seen a longer season,
Revealing not its rhyme or reason,
A Sword of Light will pierce the Cloud
Deliverance must be allowed,
When Heaven and Earth join as One....
In that meeting place of the Waters.......

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The river runs along the edge of the woods
Rushing toward some distant destination
Intent on reaching its resting place.
It leaves with no regret
Shows no mercy
  Captures the foolhardy
Releases only the fortunate few....
The river doesn't love you
As you love Her......
The river only wants to move......
And keep moving....
She is not a stagnant pool of reflecting water..
She doesn't want your coins or your wishes...
Catch a glimpse as she passes by....
She may notice you,
But you will never stop her...
Furious, She rushes onward.......
In her race with Summer Wind.......

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The oracle is your guide
As you step along the path
Toward tomorrow.....
Cast the Runes before you
Let them speak to your soul.........
Of divination, they teach us well,
Silent symbols, pieces of the whole....
Some secrets do not survive the Ages...
And then the thought bears the Spell...
Jot it down on parchment pages........
Remember Odin,
       As He spied the stones..
Feel the Four Winds clutch your bones..
They tell of Strength and Growth and Flow....
They send the signals we need to know...
Be the Warrior, seek Defense...
Call forth the Self, begin to cleanse..
Initiation in the Art,
        Teach thyself, be a guide......
And always, keep your eyes fixed
On the Unknowable...
For the Blank Rune holds the key...
To the door between the Future and the Past....
That Dimension between You and Me.......

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(Copyright 2001 - All Rights Reserved by Lisa Guliani - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author:
Lisa Guliani at or