The World of Stories

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Join us at the campfire for tales from around the world, told by storytellers of all backgrounds and creeds. From the heros and heroines of old, let us relearn and rediscover the wisdom of our ancestors. Shhh..the story begins..

The Most Precious Thing In The World

An Dutch FolkTale Adapted By: NovaReinna

The aged sea captain was not sure he had heard correctly. "What was it you said, My Lady?"

The Lady stopped pacing about her parlor and regarded the captain with annoyance. Many were the rich and proud merchants in this grand port of Stavoren, but this woman...known by everyone as the "Lady of Stavoren"...was the richest and proudest of them all.

"I said," she responded irritably, "that I want to hire you and your ship to bring me the most precious thing in the world."

"But what might that be?" queried the captain. "And where do I find such a thing?"

"If I knew that," said the Lady icily, "then I would have obtained it already. I am asking you to seek it out and deliver it to me. I will ensure that you have ample gold with which to purchase it...whatever it turns out to be!."

"Please forgive me, Lady," said the captain, "but I still fail to understand."

The Lady sat facing the old man. "Look around you Captain," she said. "Have you ever seen a more magnificent mansion?"

"Never, My Lady!"

"No expense was spared to build it," said the Lady. "It is filled with the most costly items from all the ports visited by my fleet...yet, no matter what I do, my rival merchants always find a way to duplicate my possessions. I must show them, once and for all, that I am their superior. This is why you must deliver to me the most precious thing in all the world. I have chosen you for this task because it needs someone of your vast experience. Of course," she continued, "I will pay you most handsomely."

"Thank you, My Lady," replied the sea captain. "I will certainly do my best."

"I suggest that you do, Captain," insisted the Lady, "for if you should fail, then you and your ship will never again find employment in Stavoren."

The following day, the captain set sail from search of the most precious thing in the world. Months passed. Everyone in Stavoren was aware of the old captain's quest. Wherever the Lady went, she heard people trying to guess what the most precious thing in the world might be.

"A pearl as large as an egg," guessed one.

"No...a magnificent gown," said another.

"No...a marvellous statue," said still another.

The Lady of Stavoren was absolutely delighted with the stir her quest was creating. "How they will envy me," she mused, "when they see what the captain brings!"

At long last, the captain's ship was sighted entering the harbor. The townspeople flocked to the dock. When the Lady arrived, dressed in her finest garments, everyone made way for her.

The old captain leaned over the side of his ship. "My Lady," he called, "I have brought what you desired...the most precious thing in the world!"

"What is it, Captain?" the Lady called back, barely able to contain her excitement.

"I visited many ports in many and varied lands," replied the sea captain. "I saw many wonderful things, but none could I say was the most precious thing in the world...until, eventually, in the City of Danzig, I happened across it. Then I laughed at myself, for I should have known it from the beginning!"

"But what is it?" demanded the Lady impatiently.

"Wheat," cried the Captain with pride. "My ship is filled with wheat!"

"Wheat?" questioned the Lady. Her face grew pale with anger. Behind her, she heard murmurs from the crowd, accompanied by laughter. "Did you say wheat."

"Indeed I did, My Lady," replied the captain joyously. "What could be more precious...more valuable...than wheat? Without our daily bread, what good are all the treasures of the world?"

The Lady was silent for a moment, listening to the whispers and snickers coming from the crowd. "And this wheat is all mine, is it not? To do with as I choose?"

"Of course, My Lady," said the captain.

"Then," stated the Lady with conviction, "you may toss it into the harbor!"

"Excuse me, My Lady?" queried the captain. Now, his own face was pale, but with fear, not anger.

"Into the harbor!" shrieked the Lady. "Every last grain of it!"

Mutterings of both horror and approval arose behind her.

"My Lady," beseeched the captain, "please consider what you say. There is wheat enough on my ship to feed an entire city. If you have no use for it, then at lease distribute it to the poor and the hungry. After all, you too may be in need some day!"

"I?" screeched the Lady of Stavoren. "In need?"

She plucked from her finger a ruby ring and held it high. "This ring will return to my hand before I am ever in need!" So saying, she flung the ring far into the waters of the harbor.

The captain stared at the Lady who stood angrily upon the dock. Then, he called to his men. "Cast off!"

When the ship reached the mouth of the harbor, the old sea captain ordered his men to shovel all the wheat overboard. When it was done, he sailed from the harbor, never to return.

The next day, the Lady held a grand banquet for all the most wealthy merchants of Stavoren. She spared no expense in order to show that she still had every cause for pride.

A huge roast fish was set before her to be carved. As she was about to cut into it, the Lady noticed a glittering from within the mouth of the fish. She retrieved the object and held it up. The dinner guests gasped as the blood drained from the Lady's was the ruby ring!

A few weeks later, fishermen discovered that a sandbar was building beneath the water at the mouth of the harbor. The discarded wheat had sprouted and grown and was catching the sand that had before drifted freely. Soon, the tall ships were unable to enter Stavoren. The harbor was ruined...and with its demise went the fortunes of the city. Among them was the Lady of Stavoren.

Today, Stavoren is known primarily as a ferry landing. The sandbar which keeps tall ships from entering the harbor is still called "Lady's Sand"...a reminder of how the Lady of Stavoren scorned the most precious thing in the world.

Novareinna welcomes all tale-travelers to Penumbra, her beautiful site/sight of stories and poetry and design.

A section has been added to Penumbra entitled "Rainbow Bridge," dedicated to the memory of our beloved animal companions. It features various pieces of work, whose words, it is hoped, will bring solace and comfort to those who have lost a dear little furry (or feathered or scaled...etc.) one.

It contains an area known as "BlueBird Bower" where a memorial may be placed by anyone upon request in the name of their departed pet (no species refused).

Just click on "RainBow Bridge" on the home page to access the area in question.

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Letter to the Author:
Novareinna at