Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined it's nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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Child of Nature                            Wolfsong
Child of nature in a land of strife Underneath the waxing moon, Child of nature filled with life While the world sleeps, In a starlit night cocoon, Raise your voice to a brand new day The secret that she keeps Grandfather Sun light your way Taste the wind, feel the breeze Deep within her wild heart, With Grandmother Moon take your ease Quiet for too long, Breaks away and flies apart, The Arch of Sky, gentle and blue Bursting into song. Joins up with Earth to watch over you Sad and haunting, weaves a dream, Child of nature in a land of strife Of cycles, life and death, Child of nature filled with life Golden eyes that flash and gleam, Hot and panting breath, The power of Thunder in your voice With rippling Water may you rejoice Old as time and new as birth, The steadiness of Rocks give you your ground A primal sliding scale Whispering Four Winds fill you with sound. Winds its way around the earth Through every hill and vale. Medicine Bear and mighty Hawk Beside Eagle and Otter may you safely walk. Spirits longing to be free Hear, and catch the spark Child of nature in a land of strife Of the unbound melody Child of nature filled with life Ringing through the dark. ---------------------------------------------- Share her secret, hold it fast, (CAPhillips, 5/1/95, with deference and Keep it close at hand, appreciation to the Osage Amerind Alone no more, released at last, belief system) They know and understand, **This work is copyrighted by CAPhillips. Life's great truth, the link we share, Reproduction is prohibited without express A bond still sure and strong, permission of the author** On the wind, we find it there, Within the wild wolf's song. ----------------------------- **This work is copyrighted by Cantahonda. Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author** Heavenly Rewards
Console yourself with Heaven if you must, The rich rewards a life of deeds will bring - But keenest wish for good is fecal dust That wheels and turns like vultures on the wing Which eye the desert of man's noble themes For stragglers. Greedily they track their prey The crawling wretches who will bring their dreams To bleach in false oases, where they lay A warning to the jaded. Learn your peace From wolves, whose nature closely touches ours: 'Tis better to be fed than to be fleece Adrape on bushes, lit by hellish stars Where passive gods reside. They watch this stage Too wracked by mirth to give good works their wage. -------------------------------------------------------- **This work is copyrighted by CelianMacr. Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <SkyEarth1@aol.com>