Excerpts from a Seeker's Journal

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As I was pondering about the Snake recently, I came to a thought about where I want to go from here(`Here' being where I was at the time, which is kind of hard to explain so I won't bother). I thought about what I have learned and what I felt I needed to know more about, and something seemed to click into place. There is something which I connect deeply with Snake. It is a very basic thing, one which is crucial to our lives. And one in which the Snake dwells. It is Earth.

I think the structure of Earth is what really enticed me about it, for often I have such a problem with a decided lack of structure that I almost get sick. I so despise all the times when I find myself with free time and I don't start on one of those projects that I've always wanted to do.

From a logical point of view it makes no sense, it is foolish. When I am doing something I don't really want to do for someone else, all I can think about is doing what I want to do. And I can come up with some pretty elaborate ideas. But when I find the time to do what I want to do, I rarely start any of them. Sometimes I sit down to watch a movie, sometimes I just play some game, sometimes I get drawn into hanging out and enjoying other people's company. Always something to occupy the time and not productively use it.

But enough about complaints... complaining itself never makes things better. It will sometimes open your eyes to what the problem is, but only if you really want to see.

Which reminds me of a quote I remember, "No matter how much we ask after the truth, self-awareness is often unpleasant. We do not feel kindly toward the Truthsayer." Which is from one of the Dune books, written by Frank Herbert, exactly which one, I must admit, I don't remember. Quite an interesting implication in that, makes me think that people often don't like to know the truth behind why they do what they do. The real truth, that is. Not just some garden variety explanation that justifies what they do.

I seem to be off on a tangent again, I'll go back to the subject.

Earth, the structure of Earth. That is the thing which really strikes me about it. But that isn't quite the word I'm looking for. Solidity, that is much more like Earth. It is strong, solid, very real. When there is a mountain in front of you, you know it. And when the Earth speaks, in those deep, rumbling tones that move the world, you listen.

Well, I have never heard the Earth speak like that. Maybe once, but that was only a small whisper. My experience of Earth has always been of a great abiding patience, which seems like a good lesson to learn. No matter what happens, no matter what people do, the Earth just watches it all. It is content to just be what it is.

How many times have I heard such comments contrary to that philosophy? "There has to be a better way." "Why does he have it so easy?" "How come I never win?" I've certainly said and meant my share of them. For some reason, Earth knows better.

Maybe it comes from how long Earth lasts. After all, the Earth is very durable, it has been around a long, long time. I suppose in that respect, it must have accumulated a great deal of wisdom. Perhaps after such a long time of seeing things, it knows that some things simply are and must be. That is the only alternative.

That must be the way of patience, if you know why things are the way they are, you won't question them. At that point there is no need. So I can only assume that impatience comes from a lack of understanding of how things work. It comes from knowing the effects but not the causes. Over the many years, Earth has had much experience in seeing this specific effect follow this specific cause. It knows the possibilities of why `this' happens, and Earth is wise enough to know the futility of arguing against Truth, or rather, Reality.

It's all well and good to try to understand something, but to actually put that something into effect in your life takes a bit more then just a basic understanding. It requires you to first know the way you are in regards to that thing, I'm referring to patience right now. Only when you start at a beginning will you properly reach an end. Otherwise it's just a lot of fun wandering. I've nothing against that either, wandering is a wonderful thing, but if one is headed somewhere it is better to enjoy the path rather then get lost in it.

So now I must find the way I am in regards to patience. More then that, I must find out why... and how. I need to get a solid base under me. That has to do with Earth as well, Earth is a foundation. Yes, this is the direction I need to go. Earth is a good place to begin. Earth is strong.

(Copyright 7/1/96 by David Langer - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author:
David Langer <dlanger@zoo.uvm.edu>
Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <SkyEarth1@aol.com>