By M. Brandon DeGeorge

Hey, don't I know you?

You sure do, I'm the guy who used to write the music column. What happened to it, you ask? Well, nothing happened to it. Follow the links back to past issues of Seeker, and it's still there. Will I be writing that column any more? No, not right now. I have other things to talk to y'all about, right now. This stuff is important.

So, it's a big stalk, what's it for?

For climbing, of course!! That's what this new column is all about; transcendance, the art of bettering yourself, of rising above the struggles in life, and learning how to get a handle on things. You can't control everything, but you at least might want to learn about the things you can grasp.

Magic seeds

Yes, there are magic seeds, and I've got them. No, I won't sell them to you, but I will tell you all about them. I've learned alot, and I want to tell y'all about the things that I've learned, to share them with you, in hopes you might gain some insight. Why? Why not? I won't pretend to have all the answers, and maybe alot of what I'll say is wrong for you, but that's not what's important. What's important is the fact that I'm sharing with you, and that you should do the same. That's the way we will learn to better ourselves, that's the gift I'm telling you about. So, take your seeds, and hold on to them. I'll let you know what we'll use them for, later.

The pond

A crisp clear winter's day...about two years ago, I walked to the shoreline, turned around, and looked back at the pond, upside-down. Yep, my boy Henry was right, the calm water does look like the sky, and vise-versa. It's amazing, and really puts your sense of up and down in a real stir. But that was the point, wasn't it? To look at things from a different perspective.

By the way If you were wondering, the pond was Walden, and my boy Henry is none other than Mr. Thoreau. Personally, I don't think it matters, find any calm pond, lake, or other deep body of water, and try it. I bet the result will be the same. You can learn alot from looking at things upside-down.

"I was never so wise as the day I was born."

Nor was I more feeble. Logic at the begging of your life is plain and simple, you knew what you wanted, you knew what you needed. So, what's the problem? Why can't you do that now? Can't make decisions? Have doubts? Have fears? Sure you do. That's because of all the stuff you've put into your brain. From all the things that people have told you, to stuff you've found out on your own, you've made the choices that have led you down the different paths that your life has taken. It's the best you know how to do, but for some reason you aren't satisfied. Why is that?

Well....that's what we're hopefully going to find out about, on this little journey were going to take. Perhaps at the end, we end up having taken steps foward towards our real destination, rather than taking a step backwards, falling off the curb, and landing in a puddle. Even then, hopefully you'll have gained enough to know to stand back up again, invert your head, and look at that puddle upside-down.

Till next time,

Siwrnai dda

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