Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined it's nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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The sun comes up in a blazing sky;
What wonder is that?
It lights a trail of fire through a forest of wind and air.
It reaches its peak with shining glory,
As we see it, at least,
And becomes an element of us--
Part of life, universal.

A tear rolls down a rosey cheek;
What wonder is this?
It wets a river of saline through a bank of skin.
It hits the ground with a fierceness unknown,
To us, at least,
And becomes what makes us what we are--
Part of life, eternal.

A kiss is whispered on blood-red lips;
What wonder is here?
It peels through layers of uncertainty and failure.
It feeds their love with a goal divine,
As we know it, at least,
And becomes everything we want to be--
Part of life, everlasting.

A baby cries out a laugh in his mother's ears;
What a wonder it is!
It seals all the wounds of a burning, torn heart.
It mends the coarse abrasions of time with unrelenting strength,
Like we'll never know, at least,
And makes us all that we are--
Part of life.

**This work is copyrighted by DyrkHawke.
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

The Tree of Life

Even though the leaves may fall
   The tree of life goes on
For the passing of a single leaf
   Can not interrupt life's song

Are we not of, the very same life
   The flows green right through the trees
Are we not of, that tremendous force
   That heaves waves upon waves in seas

Alas, alas, what should one do
   Before his leaf departs?
What gift to give, what way to live,
   Just where, o where to start?

In your leaf -is- life
   It is what you are
      Fear not, that -that- shall end.
Your love, your life
   Are the notes of a song -
      Let your song of love begin.

As you continue to sing,
   A beauteous thing
      Will open within your heart -
The song of love
   Has gone forever on,
      It has no end, no start.

You too, will then be carried along
   In this wave of harmony
A mere leaf you are not,
   But something much more,
My friend, you are
   the tree!
**This work is copyrighted by Bhupinder Singh
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**


fanning palms
cradling womb-like embryonic coconuts
heavy for birthing
onto fertile Kaluha earth
pounding deliberately
announcing their synchopated arrival
into the ambiance of humid botanicals
choral chitter accompanies frigid daiquiries
arctic glasses demand indulger impressions
melting identities onto xylophonic surfaces
mercury-toned pools reflect jewel-colored feathers
splashing sapphire, ruby, emerald......
topaz eyes rivet precisely
onto child-like giggling apes
devilish tails beckon
lolling seductively
as mangoes meet urgent fingers
coral flesh plumply paints
sharp fangs juicily
woven batik
tropic tapestry

**This work is copyrighted by Cyndee.
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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