Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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The End of Things

Distant laughter--
it rings in my soul.
i see the faces,
semblant shells of being.
smiles spawn and drift away.
tears, uncaged,
i tremble.
the embers of memory
rage and consume.
the fires of love
burn and scar.
they burrow.
every wanting, every longing--
another void--
until the pieces of me,
the riddles that comprised,
the insights that contained...
i am scattered.
cringing, inner pain.
i am small without them.
nothing without them.
will they remember?
i'll die.
i am cheated.
i die.
-- the end of things.
-- and i am lost.

**Copyright 1998 by Dyrk Hawke. (dyrkhawk@bright.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

The Dolphins

I saw the dolphins sailing past,
Playfully seeking some distant shore,
Leaping high and lunging fast
In mystical patterns of seas of yore.

"Dolphins!" I cried, in the midst of their game,
"How is it thus that you constantly roam?
Where are you going, whence are you came,
Have you no purpose, no goal and no home?"

They laughed at my query and leaped even higher,
Parting the clouds in their race t'wards the sun,
Leaving for wake a trail of fire
That spoke to the heart of a journey begun.

But clear on the wind I heard their faint song,
Blithely apart from the world of sorrow;
A song of the sea and the waves that are long,
A hymn to the dawn and the fast-rising morrow:

"Come away, come away, and seek you the sunset!
Break the earth's chains and sail forth on the tide!
We are free, we are free! And we never regret
For the sea is our steed; what is joy but to ride?"

**Copyright 1998 by Marcus Lee (thenarr@hotmail.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**


"i would have discovered a cure for aids."
"i knew how to save the planet from global warning."
"i was to be the first woman president."
"i was the going to teach the blind to see."
"i was going to write a great American novel."
"we would have taught the world how to banish hunger."
"i was going to show my mother and father how to love."
"In my father's house are many mansions."

A small plastic bag containing hope settled among the diseased organs marked for immediate pickup by the toxic waste van. A strip of tape read, "discard."

**This work is copyrighted by Betty S. Almond (LHA1082@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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