Seeker Magazine

'...Mind in Format'

Tapping into the Main Computer

As our barriers
of preconceptions and judgmental attitudes
are replaced by the desire to experience Truth--
a trunk line forms
between our mind
and the main computer-mind
of universal law

In our quest to know Truth, we climb over solid walls of limiting formats into the brilliant sunlight of illumination--illumination transforming our mind with the Truth that unconditional love is the bearer of harmony and balance in our world of physical, mental and emotional aspects.

Our mind, when freed of preconceptions and alive with curiosity for Truth, harmonizes, aligns, plugs into the main computer--aware of and able to use the universal principles of harmony and unconditional love.

From mind to Mind to mind
Open communication
Usefully operating
Through our harmonious attitudes and
Expressions of unconditional love

Compartments of Mind

Our mind functions
through the compartments of our brain

The flexibility and coordination that is possible within our brain tissue allows analytical and discriminative thinking to cooperate with orderliness and harmony--reaching the clearest understandings and best solutions.

We have a hand in balancing our mental state effectively, based on our brain matter's current state. If our brain matter is deficient, mind works through a distorted vehicle. But our mind can train healthy brain matter to take on new functions. We see this in people who have suffered brain damage and have had to relearn information and functions with a part of the brain that normally is serving a different function.

The will to express seeks
till a way of expression is found

By will-power we implement positive attitudes--overriding urges and compulsions that come from the instinctual part of the mind. And we move towards balance--reversing digressions--by following guidelines that serve as our safety net till we develop a strong conscience. These guidelines include: ethical, moral, religious, and civil codes of behavior.

Compartments of mind
arranging through
compartments of brain
for expression
Balance and harmony
preserved or regained
by will-power applied
to living consciously

Intuition in Communication

Intuitive information comes up in our mind through our more evolved brain area.

We access intuitive knowledge by:
1) taking time to formulate a question and waiting receptively for the responsive thought; and
2) paying attention to our bodily feelings of comfort or distress.

Our all-over bodily sensations are our personal barometer; gauging where we stand in relation to issues and events. Reading our own degree of easefulness or unrest, we can determine, and then implement, the action necessary to maintain or restore harmony and balance.

As most communication is through body language, it makes sense to pay attention to bodily feeling when thinking about issues and while communicating with others.

Inside information
brought out for usefulness
in assessing the complete situation
Allowing preservation, restoration
of harmonious interaction

Wisdom's Portal

From birth onward, we take in information; categorizing, incorporating, as we find useful.

Wisdom's portal is our discriminating mind--our innate capacity to use input and stored information for the highest good.

To set the stage for the practical application of wisdom requires us to calm our body and mind. When our mind is upset, our body feels agitated; resulting in myriad stress-related symptoms.

Immediate steps to calm the mind and body, regaining equilibrium are:
1) slow rhythmic breathing;
2) complete bodily relaxation;
3) meditative introspection;
4) the attitude of surrendering to the highest good, rather than holding onto the point of view that is producing our stress.

A purified, discriminating mind sorts and sifts out facts of current reality, then chooses the best course of action to maintain or regain equilibrium.

Each action--recorded in our mind as experience--sets the stage for the next moment's reaction.

Actions flow through our moments of living…

As our pool of experience deepens, we can act from that growing depth of perception derived from our personal catalog of actions and interactions.

Experiences creating
a deepening pool of consciousness
Ethics--clarifying waters of mind--
Setting the stage for happy, harmonious living
Purity in thought, word, and action
developing discrimination
Applied discrimination--

Wisdom's portal is developed through calm introspection and analysis--mulling over our past events; how we handled them; and what we learned from those actions.

Taking time, before proceeding, gives us space to consider options. Emotional or impulsive behavior may not produce what we would have wanted for ourselves, in retrospect.

It is more productive in the long run to be still while considering in which direction to proceed, than to race ahead just for the sake of moving and doing.

Idling in neutral--no bias of mind
Actively considering
best uses our time
Impulsive behavior transformed
by cleared mind--
Tapping into the main computer
mind to Mind to mind…


Leaf Art and Article © Susan Kramer 1998

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