The World of Stories

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Join us at the campfire for tales from around the world, told by storytellers of all backgrounds and creeds. From the heros and heroines of old, let us relearn and rediscover the wisdom of our ancestors. Shhh..the story begins..

The Three Signs

(Adapted from a Jewish Folktale)

by: Novareinna

Once there was a very evil king who made up his mind that he wanted to throw all of the Jews out of his country. The way he planned to do this was to hold a debate with them, but in sign language.

So he told the Jewish community, "I will give you three signs and if someone is able to read them and respond correctly, then I will allow you to stay here for the rest of your days. But, should you fail, then all of your people will have to leave my realm for good and never return."

The Jewish inhabitants were up in arms. Nobody knew what to do. There were squabbles and discussions. No one wanted to take on the responsibility, not even the rabbis. After all, how was it possible to debate with a king, let alone do it in sign language?

Finally, after days and nights filled with arguments, to and fro and back and forth, Yonkel, a little man who sold chickens, declared, "Look if nobody else will do it, then I will." So it was agreed, and off went Yonkel to the debate.

A huge platform has been erected in the center of town, and everyone was gathered there. The king sat on one side, and little Yonkel sat on the other. "Remember," the king cautioned, "I will give you three signs and if you get them all correct, you and your people can stay in this land...but, if not, you will have to leave. Here is your first sign."

The king threw an arm into the air and extended his hand with fingers outstretched. Yonkel looked at him and then put up a fist in front of his face.

The king was astounded. "Correct," he spluttered. "I'm amazed. All right, here is the second sign."

He threw his arm toward Yonkel, with two fingers stretched straight out. Yonkel put one finger in front of his nose.

"Correct again," cried the king. "Get the third one right and all your people will be able to stay."

Then, the king reached into the folds of his fine robe and pulled out a piece of cheese. Little Yonkel looked at him, shrugged his shoulders, reached into the pocket of his ragged jacket, and pulled out an egg.

The king was so astonished, he almost fell off his chair. "Correct again," he muttered. "The Jews can stay!"

That night in the castle, the whole court stood before the king and said to him, "What was that debate about?"

The king gave a small sigh before he replied. "It's really remarkable that the Jews had a little chicken man who could read my signs. First, I put my hand out with my fingers extended to show him that the Jews were scattered all over the world, but he put up his fist to show me that they were one in the hand of God. Then, I put up two fingers to show him that there were two in heaven and myself, the king here on earth. But he put up one finger to show me that there was only one true king...the king in heaven. Finally, I brought out a piece of cheese to show him that the Jewish religion had grown old and moldy, but he brought out an egg to show me that it was still fresh and whole. It was absolutely amazing!"

Meanwhile, over at Yonkel's modest house, everyone had crowded into the tiny living room of the chicken store. "What was the debate all about?" they asked Yonkel curiously.

"I don't know," replied a bemused Yonkel. "I wasn't even aware it had started. I mean, he reached out to grab me, so I put up my fist to show him that I would punch him if he touched me. Then, he put out two fingers to poke at my eyes, so I put up one to block them. By then, I guess he knew I was going to stand up to him."

Yonkel thought for a second. "So I suppose he decided it was time to bring out his lunch, and that's when I brought out mine!"

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Novareinna <>
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