Seeker Magazine

The 8th Day

by Rodney D. Coates

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It was the eve of the seventh day, and the Celestial Hosts were surveying all that had been completed during the first week of creation. A universe, substance, and life had been created. All was indeed good and this day the Hosts rested.

With the dawn of the eighth day, again contemplating the whole of creation, the Celestial Hosts pondered a mystery. All was in process, all was in order, but all was not enough. Walking through the garden of rainbows and starlight, the Celestial Hosts continued to meditate. Peering into the mist and all eternity, questioning the finite and the infinite, the scales were yet not balanced, and all was not complete.

As the robins serenaded the birth of a new day, a new vision was born within the heart of the Celestial Hosts. Something indeed was missing, something so grand that nothing was more important then its creation. With purpose now, the Hosts gathered Their robes and began this new creation.

From the edge of the rainbow They gathered radiance so that the new creation would have hope and know wonder. From the pit of darkness, They collected the dew, remembering that all must know sadness. Gazing at the sun caressing the mid-morning sky, They took a ray so that the joy would fill the creature. The four winds, coming as they please, provided their essence so that fate would guide its path.

In the center of the Garden, the Celestial Hosts had placed a volcano, and from its center, They plucked fiery embers, which they added to the brew. Hence the creature would know the heat of passion.

Stardust from the outermost galaxies was brought by Angels who placed it the mix. Now the creature would know purity and be boundless. Looking toward the eagles, the Celestial Hosts prepared to add eyes, then hesitated and decided that, sightless, the creature would not be tempted by glamour, fame, or external beauty. Instead, from Their own Heart they took a sliver of gold and placed it within the Creature's soul. Now the Creature would know peace and inner beauty.

The Celestial Hosts were pleased as They breathed life into their new Creation. Nevertheless, the Creation was yet without form and from the heavenly mist, they gave it substance without body. Now, looking over the universe, the Celestial Hosts poured out their Creation in abundance to all life except humanity. To humanity, They reserved but a drop to be shared by two.

The angels did question, why only a drop to the centerpiece of creation? The Celestial Hosts answered:

They will only know love as a pair. As a pair, they will constantly strive for fulfillment and yearn to be filled. However, they must forever seek for completion or they will always thirst.

Thus, on the eighth day Love was born. The beginning and the end of the eighth day had come. As the Celestial Hosts looked at Their creations, They said that "All was good and all was now complete."

(Copyright 2000 by Rodney D. Coates - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
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