Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!
The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men
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The Sculptress
by Vivian Cassina
The cement runs through my fingers
and puddles on the floor beneath my feet.
For he resists my attempts to sculpt him
into the man that my eyes see, here
before me--- just out of reach,
So close to perfection ---
Yet he is imperfectly formed
for his only judge is himself, lying in pieces
he cannot chance, again, to repair.
Ah, but the pieces fit so perfectly
within my hand, to hold and fumble
to feel their white hot coolness'
And so, I lose myself in his fragility.
I watch as the cement slowly hardens
and am ashamed, for I am glad he did not mend.
For if he were whole, a perfection,
of what purpose would the sculptress be?
and of what use would he see in me.
Copyright 2000 by Vivian Cassina. (Poems by Viv@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
by Louie Crew
My hand keeps hitting the subtotal,
as if by design,
though each time seems an accident.
Last week, for a lark, I said to a student,
"Son, this comma should go over there,"
and he did not blink as he emended.
Suddenly I realized that his dad could be 5-8 years my junior. I had thought
him and me fellow bachelors.
Dad called Thursday to complain
that Mother twice last week
arose at 2 or 3 a.m. to cook supper.
Fifty years ago she was head bookkeeper at the bank.
Even after I jog seven miles in the snow,
sometimes my arthritic index finger
can't steady a pencil.
A sociologist I read last summer
gives me only 8 more days of middle age
"Young, 21-32; Middleaged, 33-44; Old, 45+"- arbitrary trifurcation
of the laboring years.
It's not the novelty but the frequency of "S" that troubles.
For years and years after I balded early, at 23,
I got only very infrequent subtotals. Just now,
they plop up almost daily, as I soak in the tub
or drowse through the news.
Of course, the really scary diacritic is not "S" but "T".
Copyright 2000 by Louie Crew. (lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
Visit Louie Crew's website at http://newark.rutgers.edu/~lcrew).
Elegy for a Friend and Witness
by Tamara Jenkinson
They gathered, who loved her,
In the vinyl-lined room
On soft chairs
Arm to arm with each other
In the out-gassing air of condolence.
He who cried alone in the rain
Resisted the costuming of the moment.
Street canyon blue
Shade your eyes from this grief, man
Spring green, wilder now she would have
Danced, you know, all our heart pain
All the spent tears stream away, thawed.
Copyright 2000 by Tamara Jenkinson (poetry@goldstate.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
by Janet Buck
For a long time,
I was a cranky country tune
wishing to wiggle its hips to love.
The last sad song on scratched CDs.
Desert owned dessert of hope
and not the other way around.
Emotion was a tumbleweed.
Pubic hair was graying wire.
Fences made of Brillo brine.
Stage of flesh was closed to touch,
an apathetic audience.
Time and treatment earned me that.
When it came to men before,
firewood stacked in hearth and home--
wet matches or a flat soufflé.
Dessert replaces desert storms.
Sleeping under stars for real.
Your fingers tune piano strings;
moonlight is a microphone.
You fiddle me; I rise to you
the way a lemon trusts the squeeze.
You are the rose all hearts deserve
on sunny morning breakfast trays.
Porch swing sway and pillow talk
make masters of our instruments.
All the drying reeds of past
seem cattails in shrinking ditch.
My breasts are bumps
of Braille to read.
Practice on my body, please.
Copyright 2000 by Janet Buck. (JBuck22874@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
Visit Janet Buck's website at (http://www.janetbuck.com).
Mount Scopus Campus
by Moshe Benarroch
Every 2 or 3 years I go there
to hear a lecture never to read my poems
and swear I will never go back
then I forget and find myself there
after a few hours closing into myself
then feeling completely depressed
unable to communicate with anyone
and feeling that I should be in
a psychiatrist hospital, how can people
go there every day, this is modern
architecture at its worst, the ceiling
is closing on your head, you can never
go back through the way you came
halls and corridors like labyrinths
taken from a Borges or a Kafka text
the beautiful Jerusalem sun never gets in
you know it's out there but the light is dim
and people looking tired, so tired.
It was 1981, and it was the new campus
I had finished my first year of English literature
and although I had some minor problems
like writing a poem as a paper on
Delmore Swartz's short story
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities
or discussing the monosyllabic words
in And Death Shall Have No Dominion
I still was going to get into the second year
I had already paid the registration fee
and then the first day in Mount Scopus
looking for the classroom and asking and not
finding it and getting a big headache
until I said
I won't study here, I just won't
and that's the way my university days ended.
Now, when I tell this to other people
they say yes, it's one of the worst
and most awful building in this country
but no one has the reaction I have
or had yesterday theorizing that
I was killed there in a previous life,
see, I am going crazy and now that I've
written it I am not going back
never going back again.
Copyright 2000 by Moshe Benarroch. (moben@internet-zahav.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
All Things Find Their Proper Places
by Kim Rees
If weighed and found wanting the balance
Finds grace.
Opposites are needed and they both find
Their place.
Both death and life are our measured
Truth finds its balance without a
The precious and worthless together
Shall lurk.
Life comes to the surface when death
Has its work.
Each faces the other, Two opposing
"working together" to bring graceful
white showers.
But opinions are stones which think
To be bread,
They are slicing dividers that stand in
Our heads.
Opinions make war they assault and
Till they Fall on the Rock and The
Spirit prevails!
Copyright 2000 by Kim Rees. (FacesinHim@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
My mind's metrotrain
by Vanezza Cruz
Yesterday, Mets asked Krissy "What are you going to do now?"
And in the split second of waiting for her answer,
my mind became flooded with visions of my future.
Of how my life may turn out in five years
Or if I will ever become a graphic designer or photographer?
The question echoed through me
and sent quills of fear to unawakened tunnels in my brain.
I still felt the vibrations of the words after he spoke
his voice lingered and became porous.
Holes grew in the mist of time- my thoughts swam through this swiss
Days of unseen years flashed like a photo montage of my death but in
Hopes and dreams made cameo appearances
and those I once knew invaded the waves of this present reality.
So, for what felt like five minutes, her answer finally came: " I think
I'm going to the bar."
Copyright 2000 by Vanezza Cruz. (hyperlotus@yahoo.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
Stronger Now...
by Gareth Evans
Like the oceans breeze,
Washed outside from in.
Tangled through green mesh,
Stained the stars, eyes delved too deep,
Illuminate, blaze these skies,
The soul needs to stop the sleep,
Awoke, tears run as raindrops.
Why just today?
A smile, sun shines,
Is she mine?
Prepare, your will, is not overcome,
Forces, some minds can not bear.
This time, the army will march,
This time I'll rise,
Stand down fool, you will not see my name,
You will only call it with anger,
The strong survive, but the weak need to prevail.
Stronger now,
A thousand daggers could not knock me down,
New lessons being learned,
Skies were blue, now they burn.
Horizons to stare, universes, people to meet.
A place to go, mind control,
I see them hide their heads, clouds dampen the sun.
Pity, so much more, another could have been?
Regrets, do not offend me,
Life is long, the time is short,
Live, after all sunshine follows thunder,
Rain does not follow the sun.
But tears ruin a smile.
It's easy to say,
You yell,
Well the starving? The tramp?
Will you ever find out..
Only the strong will know,
that the weak neeed to prevail.
Copyright 2000 by Gareth Evans (gaz.evs@lineone.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

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Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples (skyearth1@aol.com).