Seeker Magazine

Spiritual Awareness in Daily Living

by Susan Kramer

Spiritual awareness and the joy it imparts are not separate aspects of daily living.

Spiritual awareness and the joy it imparts make an appearance every moment that we live for the highest resolve of the situation at that moment.

Spiritual awareness, spiritual realization, dawns each time we act toward those in our daily life with care, comfort, kindness.

Spiritual awareness is not found in the achievement of an outer goal, such as earning money, or prestige in a career.

Spiritual realization is felt as harmony; our physical body relaxed and free of dis-ease; our mind calm, balanced, centered, without want of an outer achievement.

We live in the world¾ body, mind, emotion¾ powered and nurtured from the 'Spirit of Unconditional Love' that is beyond the temporal. And when we live each new moment here on earth with unconditional love¾ acting for the good of each moment's event¾ we align ourselves with our own Soul, our own permanent Self of Love that transcends time, place, space, condition.

Perhaps this is the state of being expressed in the Holy Bible in the Book of Revelation. The sequence of gates to forge through being an analogy of the chakras represented in our bodily spine, really symbols of our upward path to full spiritual awareness of the permanent Self of who we really are.

We live in the world, but our Source and our permanent reality transcend the few number of years we live on this planet. Are we not here to grow in awareness that it is in the radiance we feel while loving unconditionally that we are experiencing our everlasting and permanent Self?

Today it is possible to experience wholeness¾ holiness¾ even while living in this temporal world by making each act a caring one; enjoying the ensuing harmony felt in body and mind.

Emotions of caring love
opening us wide
to the experience of universal love
transcendental love

© 2000 Susan Kramer
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