Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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August 2001


the year turns on
and the heat whistles through your body
the coolness from the north
is eagerly sought

the gasps of the waning summer
hiccup into torridity

the licks of ice cream are not fast enough
to catch the melt
the mountain lion pads the rock
sensing movement

the black bear scrumbles another garbage can
the berries dried and died on the mountains
and honey pots for hummingbirds are ravaged

remembering early August days
a New Hampshire lake
the norther blows and humidity dries up
the air clears of dusty haze
jackets comfort on chilly mornings
a covey of mergansers patrols the shoreline
waiting without knowing they wait
for another inch of crispness to mark
the time of long flight

the first turns of color marking trees
struggling to live

the year turns on
without a switch
only the planet's drift in the space
around the sun

In peace,

(Written while listening to Marsha Webb's "White Rock" CD of solo piano music written and performed by Marsha, who can be reached at

Cup spider wove its art on a dew-drop morning
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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at