Mall Grazers
by Tammy Manor
They shop by Cosmo
The frauds that they are
buying this weeks nailpolish
and following the flock into Contempo Casuals,
so they can spend $50 on a pair of badly made jeans
Each driving home in their expensive car
to the same house as their neighbor
they pretend to be different
because it's "in" to be different
though difference can not exist
How can they be happy
starving their bodies hollow
trying to seek happiness
grazing the mall
following all
killing what's left
of themselves
they turn into
so called "perfection"
Copyright 2001 by Tammy Manor (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
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Myself or someone else?
by Bethany Mould
I'd like to think that what you see,
Is purely me,
My personality.
It's strange to feel that I've been corrupted,
By people who have interrupted,
My thoughts, my dreams,
And placed a little part of them in me.
It's strange to feel that the real person i'm meant to be,
Has been changed, mixed up, and churned out,
With little pieces of everyone else,
And that with every word that comes out my mouth,
I'm speaking for everyone I've known in my life.
Am I myself or someone else?
Copyright 2001 by Bethany Mould (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
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(At the Spinning Wheel)by T. R. Phillips
Spin, spin! Ich bin.
Spin 'til skein's full.
Run full skeins 'til
skeins fill bin. Run!
Fill all bins 'til
time steals skill. Spin!
Pull wheel 'til skin
peels. . .skin. . .pull!
Pull 'til pain fills
bins. Pain! Pull . . .
wheel still spins. . .
. . .still spins!
'Til time steals skill,
pure gold pain fills
each bin. Ich bin!
. . . skin . . .
Run . . .pull . . .
. . . still spins . . .
Run . . . pull . . .
still . . . skin!
Copyright 2001 by T. R. Phillips. (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
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art eats me
by Yosh
a dancer
is a controller of self space they can exist in
at one congruent moment's axis
a singer
is a controller of self sound and diction
noting the keys to success are practice
a writer
got me there
a painter paints
a lover loves
a hater hates
a master debater, mass debates
I have been reading a new way.
two books together
switching back and forth.
one fiction, one non,
working a new thinking twitch.
I love to eat.
I mean,
what kind of role will I really
play in your life?
I mean,
doesn't the baker's roll really
keep you alive?
a teacher teaches.
a learner learns.
I am hungry
will wait my turn.
eat me. eat me. eat me art.
chagall, garfunkel, ginsberg, sartre.
tom wolfe, ailey, whitman, poe.
matthews, anastaisio.
I am hungry,
who is new?
new restaurants' open
a poet-jew
I am being chewed,
and am in your teeth
how do I taste?
a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away
I was covered with extra cheese
to trick you into thinking
I was better tasting than I am.
But I am complex carbs
and sweet, like a yam
a movie moves
a novel is novel
a digger digs
and uses a shovel
I am cooked in a way
where I am grilled so the
natural juices flow out
of me
a writer
is a user of ingredients
causing an emotional reaction of taste
forcing each reader to take
a little something different
off the dessert tray
Copyright 2000 by Yosh. (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
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Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples (