Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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My Pet

Every once in a while we will attempt
    to adopt something
wild & wounded

We will feed it chocolate-covered strawberries
Bring it
tiny saucers of fragrant jasmine tea

We will sing lullabies to it in ancient tongues
lace its cloven feet with patent leather shoes

But the day will come when it will bite
and claw and rip with spite
    and return to lands far flung

We had tried to hold,
                to cajole,
to care,
to hear it purr

Yet received lasting scars from sandpaper teeth
Ripping best intentions asunder from underneath its fur

We can only offer shelter
To that which harbors no responsibility to change,
And haughtily displays its nature fierce, unyielding,

                                        Returning to its brittle cave of loneliness
                                        With an ungrateful growling snarl.


(Copyright 2002 by Darius Gottlieb - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

You're invited to visit Darius' website for more of his photographs and his music at Art Bliss

Letter to the Author at

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