Seeker Magazine

Response Page

Those Who Dare to Stand Up and be Heard!

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August 01,1995

Hmmm..we can't hear you..

We received very few responses to our first issue, so we have not created the response pages as promised. However, we wish to acknowledge those who dared to stand up and be counted, so here goes:

In response to Bert Clanton's article "Morality without God."

MMmmm, the question of God and ethics. Well, I have to say I think that it is possible to be ethical without any omnipotent entity monitoring our actions or threatening us with eternal damnation. The question of ethics is answered within one's own self. It is how one acts when they are alone without observation by others that tells the tale of ethics. We do have people on this planet who act ethically and do not hold a belief in God.

They are true to themselves and to the rest of the human race and other living things. Likewise, they do not judge others for their beliefs, they demonstrate the ethic of tolerance. Such people are described in Ken Follet's book "The Pillars of the Earth". For those seeking to answer the question of ethics, God and what is in their own hearts, that book is essential reading.

***********Sent in by Roderick!*********************

We received two responses to our internet poll to date, and since this is not really enough to compile a cross section, we have decided to continue this poll until we have enough data to give an idea of the the current opinions of our readers. We wish to thank and (aka Reed Curry) for our first responses to this poll.


There were no music reviews forwarded for this issue. We know there are bands out there that are impressing about telling us who they are! :>

There was also no response to "Interpret This." We have decided that this section may be a bit too esoteric to encourage responses, so we have decided to replace it this month with an interview section. Let us know what you think! We are always looking for items or column ideas that may be of interest to our readers.

Well, that's all for responses this month. We are keeping our fingers crossed for more responses as our readership grows. Hmmm..perhaps we should do a bit more "advertising." This is something else you can help us with. Tell your friends about Seeker, and encourage them to respond..We need you to succeed!

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <>