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Tales of the Tree - In an enchanted park, in the heart of a modern city, an ancient oak whispers the tales of the ages. Listen are invited to send us the tales you have heard, whispered on the wind.

Symbiosis - by Matthew Link

A clump of snow slid of off a pine bough to fall with a hiss at the edge of the fire. The weathered old man opened his eyes at the sound, and looked out from under bushy eyebrows at the wolf pacing restlessly on the other side of the fire.

"Soon, Kayla, soon," he murmured to the wolf, his eyes dancing with a fire of their own. The wolf stopped her pacing and sat, looking at the old man. He closed his eyes again, and released his soul back into the night, searching. Soon he touched upon the mind he sought and returned to his body.

"Sinta hoq, Kayla. It is time. He is very close."

He opened his eyes as the wolf stood and approached. He remained seated and began chanting in a low ominous voice, his words unintelligible. Slowly his voice grew louder and louder, until he was almost yelling. Suddenly he fell quiet and stood, drawing a knife. He looked deep into the fire and whispered, "And by this deed, shall it begin."

He took his knife, placed it against the tip of his tongue, and made a small slice, that welled with blood. He began chanting again, his words slurred by his injured tongue. Soon he stopped once more and knelt in front of Kayla, who waited alertly for him. "And by this deed shall the two be joined."

He opened his mouth and the wolf leaned forward and licked the blood from his tongue. He lowered his head to her neck and whispered, "Carry me well, dear friend," then released her. She looked at him once, then bounded off into the forest. Once more he chanted, seating himself against the bole of a tree, and waiting. Soon, out of the darkness from across the fire, stepped a man dressed all in white, carrying a cocked crossbow pointed at the old man.

"You have been a difficult man to find, Brigath, but found you I have. I'm sorry I don't have time to stay and talk, but..." The man in white shrugged, and aimed. The old man continued chanting and watched dispassionately as the bolt was brought to bare on his heart. The man in white looked at him for a moment, squeezed the trigger, and watched the bolt fly home, straight through his heart, pinning him to the tree. Brigath gasped, and then, his eyes burning with fire, looked into the eyes of the man in white, and hissed, "And by this deed shall you be undone! It is complete!" A wolf howled in the woods and Brigath died.

At the sound of the wolf, a chill went down Lodan's spine. He quickly went to where the old man sat propped against the tree, squatted, and ripped the pendant from a chain that that hung around Brigath's neck. A small silver dagger impaling a serpent. Proof of the kill. He glanced around the clearing, nervously, feeling something watching him. Seeing nothing, he slowly stood and moved of back into the night. From the shadows, Kayla watched him leave.

Lodan, moved quickly, feeling more and more like he was being watched. Damn that old man! His final curse still rang in Lodan's ears. Lodan unconsciously increased his pace, realized what he was doing and stopped, leaning on a tree. A knot of fear had begun to form in the pit of his stomach. He forced himself to breathe slowly, and gradually got himself under control.

A wolf howled, closer than before, and Lodan's fear returned like a stone dropped on his stomach. He began walking again, then jogging. Soon, he thought he caught glimpses of a dark shadow pacing him, staying just out of site among the trees and the darkness. He began to run faster, looking straight ahead and heedless of where he was headed. The shadow stayed with him, and began to take form. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the wolf loping beside him, tongue hanging out, and fire in its eyes.

Lodan ran as fast he could, eyes white with fear, momentarily out distancing the wolf. He could hear the wolfs panting and spurred himself even faster. He glanced back and saw the wolf about to spring. Lodan threw himself to the ground and ripped a dagger from the sheath at his belt.

Kayla's leap carried her past the terrified Lodan and she quickly turned and faced him. Lodan's fear began to recede as his killing instinct took over. Kayla's eyes burned with the same fire that he had seen in the old man. Her lips pulled back in a viscious snarl. The two circled each other, watching each other warily.

Suddenly, Kayla leaped and Lodan dropped to the ground again, raising his dagger to meet her. She twisted in mid air but could not avoid the knife completely. A red tear appeared in her side. Ignoring her wound she turned immediately on Lodan, who was just beginning to rise. She snapped at his knife hand and caught it, closing her jaws on his wrist. He screamed and dropped the dagger, his eyes wide at the sight of his own blood.

Kayla leapt against his chest, bearing him to the ground, and pushed her head at his screaming face. She opened her jaws and closed them over his mouth, puncturing his cheeks, and slicing his tongue. Immediately he went still, as if dead. Slowly, Kayla released his face, bit her own tongue, and lapped at his blood filled mouth, her blood mingling with his. His staring eyes gradually gained life, until Kayla stopped licking, and backed away, Gingerly he sat up, raising a hand to his mangled face. He turned to look at Kayla, as he rose to his feet.

"Thun mintaqa, Kayla. It was well done. The face will heal in time, and you broke no bones in the hand. It's good to be young again." Brigath scratched behind Kayla's ears as they walked back into the forest.

Send in your own "Tale of the Tree" for consideration for our future issues!
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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <>