Seeker Magazine

It's All Done With Mirrors (part 3)

by: Bodhimalik

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Beginner's Mind

Most of us have a difficult time trying to listen to ideas that are ridiculous, childish or wrong, but all too often in life, that which we consider to be ridiculous, childish or wrong contain hidden pearls of wisdom which we, in our haste to get on with the business of living, miss. Wisdom which may be just what we need to get on with the business of living. We usually judge situations prematurely unless we consciously get our minds into a receptive mood where we are willing to be able to listen to, and mull over, some concept which is foreign to us. A very useful tool available to us for this purpose is something commonly called "Beginner's Mind". This tool can be used to pry open the solidified crud surrounding our mind which prevents us from living in the world of magic and miracles.

Beginner's Mind is quite simply the conscious temporary suspension of any belief, opinion or judgment. This temporary suspension is necessary in order to make room in our minds for input which would normally be rejected because it conflicted with already-held data. Just as no more tea can be poured into a cup that is already full, so too is it impossible to pour any more ideas into a mind that is already full.

We have all heard the old saw, "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is already made up". A mind that is full of ideas and beliefs is in no condition to entertain ideas and beliefs that it considers unnecessary or foolish.

Beginner's Mind gives us the opportunity to consider ideas we would normally refuse because we are under no pressure to accept or reject. We merely look, sort of like window shopping. The windows in which we shop with Beginner's Mind gives us a glimpse of infinity, and therefore we are able to view formerly forbidden areas. Also, we are able to enjoy what we see without worrying about what it is going to cost us.

To understand that we understand nothing, absolutely nothing, keeps our minds open and uncluttered. By knowing nothing we leave ourselves ready for wisdom. This gives us the chance of finding out what life is all about, what its purpose is, if anything.

Beginner's Mind works on the assumption that we know nothing. Beginner's Mind doesn't believe and it doesn't disbelieve. Beginner's Mind doesn't know an intellectual play from a re-run of "The Brady Bunch". It only knows what it likes. It doesn't judge. Beginner's Mind can watch soap operas, enjoy pornography and teach astronomy. It can go to any church it wishes, join any organization, take any job. It is not ruled by thoughts of "I should" or "I ought". It owns the world. It is free of the prison of beliefs. Beginner's Mind cannot be fully appreciated until one's mind IS Beginner's Mind- until every moment is new and fresh, ready for experience.

Theoretically, there is no reason why we cannot just have Beginner's Mind, but like everything else that is worthwhile, it takes effort. We must practice, just like we must practice everything that is new to us if we expect to become proficient. We may read a book on how to play golf or build a house, but until we actually engage in the activity, the reading will go for naught.

Beginner's Mind is practiced by listening and observing without judgment or purpose, without making statements or meanings about what "is". We use Beginner's Mind when we act "as if" something were true even when common sense tells us it isn't.

We already act "as if" now, all the time, but we do it unconsciously, without thinking about it. We act "as if" we are males, females, Americans, students, bums, nice people, angry people, and pitiful people. We act "as if" it is rainy, sunny or cold. We continuously act "as if", so it isn't that we are unfamiliar with the concept, it's just that we aren't used to acting consciously. When we act "as if" unconsciously, we are driven here and there by forces beyond our control. We become puppets in the hands of our emotions, tools to be used by people who touch us in some way or other, fools reacting to the obstinacy of a stuck drawer or a car that won't start.

When we act "as if" in a conscious manner however, WE choose our reaction. WE determine how we wish to react, and what we wish to react to. When we use expert's mind, the universe controls us, but when we use beginner's mind, we control the universe.

Continued in next issue!

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Bodhimalik <>
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