By M. Brandon DeGeorge
Another Pond
Not in a galaxy far, far away, but only about 2 1/2-3 hours drive from my house. A beautiful maiden took me there. We drove during my favorite time of day: dawn, which is also when I'm writing this article to you. I believe there's something majickal about bodies of water. Possibly it's the Cancer in me coming out. Possibly something in my heritage, but hey, no matter, I find strength in them.
Water is one of the most basic parts of our world. It makes up most of this blue (like water) and green spherical thing we live on. It also makes up most of our sappy Homo-Sapien bodies. We are definitely affected by it, so it might be wise to pay it some heed.
Ooh, that Feels Good
To my surprise, the water was way, and I mean way, warm. I would of expected it to be as chilly as a Slurpee. Ooh...be careful, brain freeze. Nature really has a neato way of doing things, like surprising us. That alone should keep us humble. We are all still the babes we were on the day we were born, except a bit more stupid. It's a shame we don't all realize this, but hey, when did the human race ever take a collective step in the right direction?
This Way, Please.
If you really think about it...(ooh...hold on one second, Mr. Sun is blanking out my monitor...window shades might help)...transcendence is like following the arrows, or the road signs, maybe even kinda like connecting the dots. No matter what your pleasure is, it can be as simple as that. Of course (ladies and gentlemen, here's the catch) it's not completely nursery rhymes. Everyone's path is different. We are all individuals, no two alike, and therefore have different roads that are particular to that individual. The whole trick is finding out which one suits you best. This is where I hope y'all realize that there's no 12 step program that you can buy in a book that's got all the answers.
But wait, let's not rule them out completely. You should never rule out anything that might give you a hint, or a clue to what's true for you. (some might call this enlightenment, or spiritual enlightenment) In fact, this is what transcendence is all about (I know, I know, I keep saying that). Observe your environment, see what's around you, learn what works for you and what doesn't, and stick to it, religiously.
Nothing Like Good Company
This might sound like the beginning of a commercial, but when I feel overwhelmed by my life, I like to take a trip. Spiritual retreat of a sort. You know, visit friends, and sit at a gas station for hours, just having a grand 'ol time. Or maybe, if you prefer, take an early morning ride with a good friend out to a nice pond, and dip your feet in the water. (Remember to flip upside down and look at the water.) Maybe just climbing a tree does it for you. The whole point is perspective. My boy Henry believed that being able to see a thing from many points of view enabled us to learn about that thing in ways we would never have otherwise. It gives us an insight, a hint , a clue (yes...enlightenment...good, you're catching on!!) that would not be possible under normal circumstances. So...next time you have the chance...take a trip, or just climb up on your roof (if you have one, and hopefully you do). You'll be surprised at what you may learn. I know I was.
Siwrnai dda
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M. Brandon DeGeorge<Trianglmn@aol.com>
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