Seeker Magazine

Hopi Elders Say Earth Changes are Upon Us

By Immanual Hunt

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During the past few weeks there have been a number of events that deserve our attention, thought, and examination.

In an unprecedented and totally unexpected way, Hopi Elders for the first time in history have openly shared their sacred, and heretofore secret, prophecies with the world. Robert Ghost Wolf, noted Native American Prophet and author, arranged for two Hopi Elders to appear for three hours on the nationally aired Art Bell show (out of Pahrump, NV) and freely discuss their sacred prophecies. It has been said by many who have had limited access to the prophecies in the past, that the Hopi prophecies of the coming earth changes are among the most ancient and accurate available. The Elders have come forth at this time because they believe that we have passed the point of no return and major changes are imminent, beginning within the next few months. It was their hope to "soften" the effects by appealing to all humanity to return to a simpler, more spiritual way of life.

Last month at the Gatherings of Spiritual Endeavors in Las Vegas (and returning again this coming month) noted author, environmentalist, healer, and channeler, Rev. Fred Sterling of the Honolulu Church Of Light carried much the same message. Rev. Sterling emphasized that "The Great Shift" has already begun. It is happening now. In other related recent events, Gordon Michael Scallion, Robert Ghost Wolf, and other modern day prophets began predicting major Earth Changes, especially noticeable in the state of California among other places, beginning this summer. And now the Hopi Elders have gone on national radio with the same message.

So, the Earth is changing? The Great Shift is upon us? What is one to do? I offer the following in reply.

First of all, if you are in denial - get over it. Open up your eyes. Take a look around. How's the weather in your neck of the woods? Perhaps it's a little different than it's ever been for your locality? Try to find out what's really going on. You wont find out by watching Hard Copy, or even the Evening News. You'll have to get away from the latest political scandal of who is sleeping with whom and dig just a little deeper to find the things of real importance.

Did you know that tornadoes have been spotted, for the first time in history, spinning the wrong way?

Did you know that there are places in Mexico where the ground temperature is heating up in excess of 200 degrees?

Did you know that during a seven day period in early June there were 772 earthquakes recorded on the California - Nevada border near Mammoth Lakes? (Gordon Michele Scallion and others are predicting a volcanic eruption there this summer.)

Did you know that on May 31st, the jet stream (an extremely fast wind current that flows through the upper atmosphere) touched ground for the first time in recorded history?

Did you know that some species of North American migratory birds have stopped returning to their nesting grounds? And that in many places, salmon are no longer returning to their spawning grounds? And certain indigenous tribes throughout the world have stopped having children?

Okay, so much for denial. Once you accept that change is happening, LET GO OF FEAR. Realize that it is a time of change and not necessarily a time of fear. Fear clouds good judgement and put heavy blocks between the inner intuition (which will be so important during this time) and your conscious mind. The earth changing will not kill you; it changes all the time! But fear, denial, and not being open to your Inner Self and your intuition may.

Once accepted, and FEAR IS NOT AN ISSUE, investigate. Learn all you can about what is happening. The Internet can be an invaluable tool here. For the price of a VCR, you can now interact with the world on intimate terms from your living room or office. Through the Internet, you'll be able to discover what you'll never hear on the six o'clock news. You will no longer be at the mercy of news programs governed and guided by entertainment ratings.

If your means can't afford Internet access, they can surely afford the radio. But you'll have to twist that dial off the music stations. Talk radio is a good place to begin. Art Bell's Coast To Coast A.M. originates locally and is broadcast nationally. Guests, as well as callers, will keep you informed of things that you'll never hear on the television. Another locally produced radio program, Patte Purcell's Next Dimension, has just gone into national syndication with a similar venue. Turning off the tube and turning on the transistor can open many new paths to information.

And if your means are truly meager, a bus trip to the library will be within your reach. Aside from Internet access, videos, and taped radio programs, libraries have plenty of recent magazines and books.

A word of caution may be helpful when you begin your investigating. When one steps out from under the umbrella of mainstream media and begins to learn what is really happening in the world, there is often the tendency towards anger. "Why hasn't anyone told me this before?" "Why isn't this on the News?" "There's a conspiracy going on to keep us in the dark!" My advice here is to let it pass. Finding out who's responsible or following the inner workings of the government or a large conglomerate corporation is a tangent that will not only waste time but probably lead you into deeper anger and fear and further away from love and truth.

Instead, take the path advised by the Hopi Elders and offered to the world on June 15 over national radio. Rediscover your spirituality. The Hopi Elders said, "If you change now, and change your life around, it will help in the alleviation of much of the terrible outcome from the cataclysms. There is a lot in store for all of us. And the intensity of this will be a lot less if we can all settle down and behave, and not be in the actions that we are right now."

The Hopi Elders went on to explain that it makes no difference whether your spirituality falls in line with an organized philosophy or religion, or if it is something that you have come up with and practice on your own. "Practice your spirituality, whatever it may be - like you have never practiced it before." And realize that your consciousness affects the outcome. Your consciousness effects everything. Realize that your thoughts, words and actions of today contribute to what the world will be like tomorrow.

There you have it. Four easy steps to surviving the earth changes and all the prophecies.

1. Keep your eyes open.
2. Let go of fear.
3. Learn all you can.
4. Live your spirituality.

It all sounds pretty simple. It almost sounds like it could even be fun. And that's a very important point to keep in mind. Fun. True spirituality is fun. Very big fun. Joy is probably a better word; bliss perhaps even better. If your spiritual path is not leading you on a path of joy, I would suggest that it's perhaps time to start shopping around.

I have come to the understanding (and it has taken a lot of sorrow to get here) that experiencing joy is the most spiritual thing that one can do in the course of their day. Joy is infectious. It changes and charges the very air that you walk through. It lightens the hearts of those around you. And it heals.

In these troubled times I can think of no better healing energy to saturate the Earth with. Joy! Why not take a few moments during each day just to pause and think of something that makes you very happy? Try it; you'll like it. It might even become a habit.

Well, I guess there's only one more point that need to be addressed here. It's usually the position adopted by most skeptics and those in denial as a justification for their position. "What if the Hopi Elders are wrong?"" What if Gordon Michael Scallion, Robert Ghost Wolf, Edgar Cayce, and all those other modern day prophets are wrong? What if the weather changes back to the way it has been in the past? What if the birds, and the fish and babies come back? What if there are no big earth changes? What if absolutely nothing happens at all?

To this (with my biggest smile) I can only reply, "Wouldn't that be nice?" We'd all be able to breathe a collective sigh of relief and joy, take a look around at the Heaven we've created here on Earth, and take great satisfaction in the fact that we didn't have to go through Hell to get there.

Yes indeed, "WOULDN'T THAT BE NICE?"

Copyright 1998
(Immanual Hunt)
Website: Spirtual Endeavors - (Seeker's December 1997 Link of the Month)

In addition, I offer the following list of some resources to explore:


Winds of Change, Robert Ghost Wolf
Conversations with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained, Dolores Cannon
The Nature Of Personal Reality, or any of the "Seth" books, Jane Roberts
Last Cry: Native American Policies: Tales of the End Times, Robert Ghost Wolf
Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch
Earth Signs: How to Connect With the Natural Spirits of Earth, Robert Ghost Wolf
Notes from the Cosmos, Gordon-Michael Scallion


Earth Changes Weekly
Healing our World
Global Meditations
In Light Times
World Transformations
The Great Shift
Light News
Red Cross Disaster Relief
Art Bell
Gordon-Michael Scallion
Alternative News
Environmental News Network
Earth Alert
Center for Disease Control
Altered States of Consciousness

Talk Radio

National: Art Bell's Coast to Coast A.M.
Patte Purcell's The Next Dimension

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