Seeker Magazine

A New Millenium Resolution

by Bill Sander

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New beginnings present opportunities to renew and improve ourselves. And if the tick of a new year can motivate us individually, the thunderous clap of a new millennium can arouse us collectively.

Certainly some pervasive change is in order. Our relationships with each other and with the environment are so troubled that there might not be much left to celebrate come the dawn of the next millennium.

Coupled with this unique numerological opportunity for reflection is a unique tool for group reflection: the Internet, the most egalitarian means of mass communication yet to evolve on this planet. It enables one individual to propose to the entire group a resolution for the year 2000 (or 2001, if we also want to resolve to be accurate).

The best resolutions recognize simple truths and commit to adhering to them, sometimes using affirmations as an aide. A resolution for a millennium looks to the big picture and the long term. That means all of us, the whole earth, and for generations, starting with our children. Indeed, attitudes towards other peoples and other species are molded during childhood and difficult to change population-wide thereafter.

A successful model for inculcating values, via a daily recitation in schools, is America's Pledge of Allegiance. The unifying effect of such a pledge is easily appreciated. However, the flip side of a strong sense of national (or religious) cohesiveness is often the conviction that other peoples are less important or worthy, to say nothing of other species.

A more inclusive sense of belonging needs to be fostered. By widening the group to which we feel connected, we narrow the group we feel justified in exploiting. Eventually the extent of the former eliminates the latter.

In addition to patriotism, we can expand the loyalty we aspire to instill. It is time to adopt a more visionary and all-encompassing "world pledge" as a New Millennium's Resolution:

A Recognition of Unity

I recognize a vital unity
linking me with all humanity
and humanity with all of life,
acknowledging that where no one prevails over another,
each may prosper and all may continue.

Copyright 1998

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