Seeker Magazine

Woei Hern

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Woei's poem Silver Lining has appeared in the Gryphon's Nest. We're pleased to present several more in this month's Poet Portrait with a few remarks by Woei:

Faces, names, not that easy to remember; neither is it a reason to if not given a proper reason to...

Longing? Love? Friendship? It goes on, what am I to you? Nary a thought I should say, but lest our brief moment as strangers fall glimmer sparkle and fade, I do hope that at least my works has touched you like no other stranger has...

Impersonally personal, I might not have been able to reach out to you and shake your hand; I guess I'll settle for reaching your soul. I do hope you like it...

Withered Rose

You don't need me as much as I need you.
You think so,
That I'm a disposable fall back crutch.
Maybe you're right,
Maybe I am dying for the wrong person.
I can try not loving you,
But I can't not love you.
So that was the problem.
Unrequited love,
Couldn't have been more painful.
Pain is good,
It is an addiction to me now.

Is that the way I think I love you?
Or am I holding on,
To a rose long withered,
But the thorns just as sharp.
And I'm still bleeding,
I'm still clutching.
Faint scent still there,
My only consolation.
Yet an orchestra of colours,
All around me,
But I am blind,
I just hold on,
O' withered brown flower.

I can look away,
But I can't let you go,
On an island,
Vast oceans all around,
I stand looking at an empty well.
All dried up,
Caked with mud,
Meshed from tears and blood,
And not one drip yours.

So what do you call fair?
That you love me?
But not that much?
That you needn't tell me?
I Love You.
What a burden it is to say.
A release for me,
Yet a weight you needn't carry.
You're too busy saving the world,
Miss Can't-Do-Nothing-Wrong.
Not in anybody's eyes,
And especially mine.
You tell me that I could,
Pour my sorrows unto you,
That you would listen.
How gracious,
Would it matter not,
My sorrows flowed from you?
And you know I would die for you,
Why don't you let me.
Time and again,
I've pondered upon,
My bleeding hand,
It's the rose,
I know.

But it hurts just as much,
To let it go...

The Only Thing Between Us

'Tis sad that you have all this beauty bb and keep it in a mirror bb and forever reflecting it upon yourself bb and you know now
that the world
is much better through a two-way glass...
See you, see me
smile, we touch
cold glass between us
still the warmth radiates
straight from your heart into mine
embrace, we kiss
cold glass between us
our tongues a hairbreadth away
but our passion just melts through
feel my heat as I try to warm you
through this sheet of glass
the only thing between us
I'll write you notes everyday
telling you of things you already knew
you're jaded, room's getting a bit cold
you're idle, watching the world go by
you're imprisoned, its getting harder to see through
you're crying, what can I do to help you...
it's foggier now
and I won't wipe clear the glass
wouldn't want you to see me crying
wouldn't want you to see me
dying a little every day
just a silhouette will do
to let you know I'm here
always here...
I'll be standing
naked and shivering
save for the warmth of hope
but I won't be standing for long
the soul is willing,
but God forbids,
breaking down my weathered body
before I lay down
before my last breath
shed a tear
on this sheet of glass
the only thing between us
there'll be a meaningless "I love you"
scrawled all over it
and there'll be a meaningless me
uttering with my last breath
the same meaningless,
"I love you"

I Miss You

How fast things go by,
how brief a stop,
that our paths in life,
were meshed in a brief moment,
of pure joy, pleasure and ecstasy.
As we parted,
to other horizons,
I'll remember our time,
vividly, fondly...
Your face,
the way your hair shimmered olive green,
your scent as I lie ever so close to you,
and your lips,
I have tasted heaven within you...
With a flutter of an eyelid,
a wave? You fade away.
Could we have stayed a moment longer,
staring at the sun as he sank,
beneath the warm embrace of the ocean,
or when he rested upon,
the bosoms of mountains ever so welcomingly,
and the stars would bathe the sky,
'til another morn breaks loose,
and you're in my arms,
can we do this again,
if I ever see you,
just once more...
could you please,
save a smile for me,
and a kiss for all eternity,
for I will find those lips,
even if it takes me forevermore...

Copyright 1998 by Woei Hern

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Letter to the Author:
Woei Hern

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