Seeker Magazine

Patience and Tolerance

Patience does not crimp the flow of events
Patience accepts and tolerates
the different ways we each have
of seeing and acting out life
Tolerance accepts that each of us
is doing what we need to for this moment

Tolerance arises from a state of mental relaxation
that allows us to remain calm
when we see others acting in a way we think should be different
Caring love begets tolerance:
When we care about others, we act for them as a support system
We are not there to make another person's decisions--
unless we are entrusted with others well-being
(such as for a little child or a childish adult)
To do so, robs another of control and ownership of their moment
The mental relaxation of patience
allows us to tolerate differences from ourselves
that we perceive in others:
their age, feelings, opinions, attitudes, religious beliefs,
political positions, appearances, habits, actions, and on and on
We are living in the large fish bowl of the world--
our different perspectives on a given topic
allowing many ideas to float in the brine
With the attitude of caring love, peace, patience, and tolerance
ideas promoting the greatest good
arise to the surface of our consciousness
into clear light
ready to benefit all creation

Patience and Tolerance--
Accepting differences
remaining peaceful
recognizing that each of us
has the right to determine our reality
Caring love--
Being supportive
while not taking away another's right
to determine their reality

Why are we Impatient and Intolerant?

As humans we reach out to others to fill a void in life
We seek to find our completeness in the company of another
or by possession of an object--
as if what another or anything outside of ourselves can offer
will make us happy
We expect a certain behavior from our mate
and are often disappointed
Disillusionment and sadness follow
when our mate does not fulfill our desires
We often keep looking to new people in search of happiness
We become impatient and intolerant
when we realize
the world outside of ourselves cannot give us happiness
But where does happiness lie?
We know happiness exists
because we see happiness in other people
Until we discover that our source of happiness is being carried along
right within us
at every moment of our lives
we will continue to look outside of ourselves
for a source to make us happy
We remain impatient and intolerant with our relationships
and dealings in the world
until we learn to relax into our own internal state of happiness

Happiness--a Quality of our Soul

Happiness is dependent on no outside stimulus
to be felt or attained
Happiness is part of our real nature--
always present
but covered by the disillusionment in mortal life
that an outward quest will give us lasting and fulfilling satisfactions
If we look inwardly
reflecting on an action that we performed out of caring
we will remember that we then felt happy
That is a true experience of happiness in life
If every action performed is done
with the mental attitude of caring
then happiness will naturally be uppermost
in our consciousness

Even acts which seem selfish on the surface
because they are done for ourselves
such as taking good care of our body
by eating properly, bathing, resting, and exercise
are not selfish if our attitude is to preserve our life
This kind of 'selfishness' is right and necessary

So, again, happiness in life is a personal quality
present in all, felt by those who genuinely care for others--
patience and tolerance arising in us
from our relaxed state of mind

Human Love to Perfect Love

Human love becomes perfect love--
the manifestation of the soul's true nature--
by consciously caring and acting
for the highest good of others
Energy used in a positive manner keeps caring and loving feelings
uppermost in our mind
Energy comes to us all the time via food, sunlight, air, and water
And, additionally
if we allow our body to be perfectly still--
sitting, standing, or lying down--
while remaining fully awake--
our mind will follow the lead and calm down, relax
becoming aware of the inner sound of creation
This is the state of meditation--
Union with our Creative Source
This vibratory hum, perceived in our brain
under the top of our skull
underlies all of our changing thoughts

This very peaceful
yet highly energized vibration
is a constant presence that we can attune with
to more fully energize our mental
and physical states of existence

This happens because when we are feeling peaceful, yet energized
we are not putting up negative blocks
to our natural spring of ever-new happiness
that is arising from our own soul
into our body and mind
As the nature of our soul is not limited
by having a physical or mental form
we are drawing from the infinite supply house
of the energy supporting our soul
This intense revitalizing energy carries us along
without any effort on our part
except that we must keep a positive, caring attitude--
avoiding the roadblock of stilted negative, self-defeating attitudes
and their subsequent self-limiting thoughts and actions

We're called to practice every day
Patience show in every way--
Patience that develops attitudes of tolerance
Tolerance for our own shortcomings
Tolerance for other's shortcomings
and the patience to accept them all…
The boon of meditation and positive attitudes--
Calming our mind
Energizing our body--
A fuller experience of happiness arising from within
Swelling out
upon our waking consciousness…

Writing © Susan Kramer 1998
Flower Artwork from the 'Blossoms of California...' collection © Susan Kramer 1998
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