Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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August 1999

Mountain Lily

The paper white of lily at ten thousand feet
startles, for one thinks of lilies in gardens
garish in colors with long, tall stems reaching…reaching
these tri-petals remind me of trilliums,
painted and showy, of northeastern climes

But these grace the Rocky Mountain trail I'm treading
barely out of footstep's way
amid the passing of the lupine flowers
as the season moves along

Simple lily whose brilliant yellow pollen ring
frames six tall stamens
whose roots and seeds weather
deep snows and long winters
and whose blossoms brighten my heart
with their clear beauty

Cherie Staples

Heed the winds and the waters,
the lights of sun and moon,
the birds that fly your path,
be here now.

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at