Seeker Magazine

Four Motets of Earth

by Sandy McIntyre

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Inhaling sunshine
exhaling joy
Drinking in moonbeams
dining on stardust
Look to your heart
for it shelters your dreams
Dreams feed the spirit
Hope feeds the soul

Magic, fate, karma
Which is the key
that opens the door
to let dreams fly free?

Lighting like seed on fertile soil
Growing, needs tending
But the blossom is bright
And ripe for the picking


Wrapped in the warm cloak
of a peaceful inner place
Feeling here, feeling whole
Connected with Life
with Song
with Joy

It's there
Inside, outside
At the fingertips of my soul
Waiting for intellect and reason to calm,
emotion to still,
spirit to soar, searching
for the light
of Being


River spirits whisper
of cycles, circles and seasons
Flowing with time
the river slowly changes into tomorrow

Trees, clouds, teardrops
connect into one
as Life, Death and Love

River spirits are keepers
Of the Earth
And of our souls


Wings of eagles
and spirit of hills
give voice to Autumn's beauty
Shining from within
the aspen tell secret stories
of Life's cycles and seasons
Some might say of rhymes and reasons

Canadian geese a chorus
the river there before us
Whispering quietly
singing joyfully
to our hearts and souls
If we are quiet enough
to Listen

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Letter to the Author:
Sandy McIntyre at