Seeker: Article

Seeker Magazine

Twenty-four Hours That Will Change the World

by OwlWoman33

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The Cloth of Many Colors
goes to the UN,
the US Capitol and the Pentagon

Hundreds of thousands of people from nearly every country in the world have contributed small swatches of cloth to be sewn into a peace quilt that is nearly a mile long. The project, called "
Cloth of Many Colors," is a living prayer, and this September it will be presented at the United Nations in New York, then wrapped around the US Capitol in Washington, DC, then finally the Pentagon. This is one of the most powerful opportunities we have to create a world based upon the laws of love rather than the rules of fear. Please join millions of people for a twenty-four hour peace vigil beginning 10 am New York time on September 19th continuing to the same time on September 20th.

The project began when James Twyman, renowned musician and author of the best-selling book Emissary of Light, was performing at a refugee camp on the border of Kosovo and Macedonia during the Kosovo war two years ago. Thirty-thousand displaced people were present when Twyman helped lead a worldwide prayer vigil to bringing an end to the conflict. That night, in a dream, he saw those prayers being made into tangible realities, forming an enormous quilt that would someday be presented at the United Nations building. That dream is about to become a reality, and we invite you to be part of this amazing event. Hundreds of people have taken the small swatches of fabric and sewn them together into the
Cloth of Many Colors. And yet there has still been no real marketing or exposure for the project, only the excitement and energy of people all over the world.

The Details:
On September 19 at approximately 11:00 am, the mile long quilt will be presented during a ceremony at the UN, part of Millennial Peace Day. Children from around the world will hold the cloth inside the UN, then walk with it outside to the UN Rose Garden where hundreds or even thousands of people will gather to pray.
The World Peace Prayer Society will then present the flags of every nation of the world using the prayer "May Peace Prevail on Earth" as each country is named. A Prayer Shawl from the quilt will then be presented to the wife of Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the UN, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and a special shawl to honor John Denver.

The next day, September 20, at approximately 8:30 am, the same cloth will be wrapped around the United States Capitol building in Washington, DC. Thousands of people will gather there to hold the quilt as it symbolically embraces the nation, and all nations. The Cloth of Many Colors will then be wrapped around members of Congress who will join in a ceremony of peace and forgiveness during a special breakfast in their honor.

Two days later, on September 22, the Cloth of Many Colors will be presented at the Pentagon in Washington, DC by both James Twyman and elders from many Native American Nations. One of these elders will be Chief Looking Horse who was present at the UN during the famed prophesy James Twyman recounted in several books. It was on April 23rd, 1998 when Twyman, Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue sponsored "The Great Experiment," a prayer vigil that brought millions from around the world together in prayer. (click here: for info on a new book called Praying Peace by James Twyman with Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue)

Mr. Twyman was at the UN with forty ambassadors when the prophesy was recounted by Betsy Stang: "Four years, four months, four weeks and four days ago, a group of native elders came to the UN to give their vision of the New World. One of the things they said was that four years, four months, four weeks and four days later something would happen at the UN that would change the world. This is the day these great men saw in their dreams." We believe that the
Cloth of Many Colors is part of the fulfillment of this prophesy.

How you can be involved:

1. Spend this 24 hour period focusing on peace and committing yourself to creating a world based upon compassion and love. There is no format for this, only your own passion and desire.

2. Pass this message to everyone you know. If millions of people participate in this amazing event then peace will certainly prevail.

3. Join us in New York or Washington for the events that will unfold. If you are in the New York area on September 19 join us at the United Nations Plaza in the Rose Garden around 11am. If you are in the Washington DC Area on September 20 meet us on the west side of the US Capitol at 8 am. (for updated information go to:

4. This is only the beginning of the
Cloth of Many Colors Project. To add your own piece of cloth or to make your own quilt please go to for information.

Please pass this email onto to everyone on your list. This will be a powerful moment for the whole world, and we invite you to participate.

May Peace Prevail on Earth!!!

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