Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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The Cry of Freedom

by Michael David Coffey

It's in the winds
  the wails, the darkening clouds
The thundering mists curling
  oe'r the slumbering bog
It's in the gloom
the ecstasy of the howl
The cry of freedom -- release
   from oppression, repression
In the angel's flight
   across the oceans,
       the skies
In emigration,  forced migration
   in leaving the sweet fresh scent
       of Ireland's welcome
In the turf embers, the hearth
  -- the scowling skies
The peace, the wish, the hope
A thundering roar
     of ancient tribes
The cry of freedom
   four green fields
      and one crushed rose

Copyright 2000 by Michael David Coffey. (Mdcoffey@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
For more of Michael's poetry, visit: Deep Waters

Sad Café

by Richard Denner

Three saints served up
in short order—
queen of peoples' hearts
miss busy boots
and a beat angel.

Heaven is enriched at
our expense.
A mountain of flowers, an ocean
of tears
fill this greasy spoon.

Copyright 2000 by Richard Denner. (rychard@sonic.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
For more of Richard's poetry, visit his website at dPress

Shall we play

by Rodney D. Coates

Strange word, for what many
 take as a tedious, expenditure of effort, 
hastily engaged in with the intent of 
ending it rather quickly.

I would love to enjoy 
this game with you, where 
we play until the night turns
 into morning,
 and the morning
 into another day, 
as we continue to 
find new ways to play.

Do you think they 
used this word to suggest
 that we could, no, maybe we 
should enjoy each other with 
abandon, and get serious about
 just playing, not serious about ending 
the joy, but fulfilling each other in the
 continuous games that we play.

I wonder, if, just like when
 we were much younger, when 
the game would go on and on, days
 into weeks, and weeks into months, the 
endless wonderful game that we played.  

Do you think this is why they 
call it foreplay, well this is the 
game that I would
 love to play with you my dear. 

Copyright 2000 by Rodney D. Coates (coatesrd@casmail.muohio.edu).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
For more of Rodney's poetry, visit his website at : A Collection of Poetry Writing

Castle of Sand

by Heather White

The tiny pink burn forming on his shoulders,
Tiny grains of sand covering his wave splashed feet,
Sitting on a towel in the sand.

His anticipation grows each time the tide comes near,
He places the last details carefully in their place,
Patting down the sides to make it strong.

A huge splash crashes upon the beach,
The water slowly slides down into the tiny moat,
His tiny seashell lifts off the sand like a ship.

His arms still blanketed with sand,
And his face exhausted with the afternoon's hard work,
His complete creation stands untouched for a moment.

Another wave crashes on the shore,
The castle sinks into the sudden flood of water,
The tiny ship thrown away by the crash.

The sand and rocks drift away with the tide,
All that's left is a pool of water,
And a single untouched moment.

Copyright 2000 by Heather White (Stardsttt@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Rude Abandon

by Ward Kelley

The tyger has stalked you,
perhaps ever since your birth,
furry, padded soles, pacing off
the minutes of your breathing . . .

there is no defense, save one
thought: to know it is not you
it has come to devour, only
your flesh . . .

and the panic of howling,
the screams of pain, mostly
come after you are extracted
by the other half of your soul . . .

pulled back, yanked back,
the fear still pounding in your
conscious, fear from your body
below so shocked by your abandonment.

Copyright 2000 by Ward Kelley. (Ward708@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
For more of Ward's poetry, visit his website: Ward Kelly


by Michael Jordan

what could a man innocent
of heart tell of love lust and passion
could he tell of sins of
the flesh that devour him so
completely that he cannot
breathe without thinking of nothing
else but your body pressed
close to his with lips
poised to speak

it is your name on his lips
it is your face in his
eyes that only he sees
i think this is not an
innocent man of heart but
a man in love and his
heart like the man is
not innocent any more

Copyright 2000 by Michael Jordan. (MikeLJ1957@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.


by Vivian Cassina

Today I rode a motorcycle, first time in years.
Fear, which only came with maturity,
Had long kept me from this ride.
But today I rode, wind blowing my hair,
Bare legs unprotected and innocent
With only beer and wine for courage.
The thrill was so real that I had to look closely
To see if the muffler burn had still scarred.
I rode the cycle with eyes watered by the wind
And heart leaping ahead,
Forgetting it had been left behind.
Maybe it had happened,
I crossed the divide and second child
Had gone for a ride....
If so, here's to hoping tomorrow I'll ride again
And tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.

Copyright 2000 by Vivian Cassina. (Poems by Viv@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Wispy Words

by Nathan C Carr

The oceans' tide has turned again
The moon has come and pulls again
With sand beneath my feet so old
So old, their words beneath my toes
From divine to refined
Has seen great fires, great floods, great souls
And all that is true returns to the founder
Continuing a process embedded through ages
Turned my head to the sky where the individual is lost
Here I play on great stages just up in the toss
Infinite words and pennies thrown pond-bound
Listen deep, discover sound, words whisper like winds upon the ground
Now light dawns as darkness mourns
A fiery sphere burns across the sky
This I know was bound to be
Yet I am consumed in welcome surprise
Thin streaks of clouds glow red and amber, lined with hues of gold
Could never fathom to tamper with beauty so powerful
Or question energy so bold
Rather appreciate with forlorn yearning
Turning circles in the sand
From wispy words I'm learning
Relentless tides stay turning
And from those words I know I am

Copyright 2000 by Nathan C. Carr. (NCCSTEEK@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples (skyearth1@aol.com).