Seeker Magazine
Pavin' our Pathway

by Susan Kramer

The pathway we walk upon
Paved as we go
by the consciousness we show
in our day-to-day living

Our goals in living determine the route to our destination.

If we have outer goals for fame and fortune—fortune beyond our justifiable needs, we will encounter in our trek a very rocky and treacherous road over steep hills, and maybe some granite mountains.

If our underlying goal, while pursuing a career, is to improve ourselves as human beings—to enjoy true happiness—our path may look the same to the physical eye, but will not be experienced by us in the same way. We will feel a layer of cushioning—a deeper than visible understanding supporting us, during the climb over the rocks that have tumbled onto our road in life.

The layer of cushioning is our knowledge, that what we are now traveling through is but a temporary discomfort. That each of the rocks and boulders we encounter are 'presents' for us. They are 'presents' because, going over them develops the unseen qualities in us that nurture our outer lives—that nurture us and all the people with whom we relate. These unseen qualities are: patience, fortitude, compassion, wisdom, and unconditional love, amongst others.

As we grow in consciousness, we almost seem to fly over the rocks of difficulties strewn in our way. But, instead of seeing these rocks as obstacles, we view them as pavers. And, truly, a rock can be experienced as a paver by our attitude of seeing them as necessary for our personal growth.

Pavin' our pathway of life
Preparin' a smoother way
by being good
moment to moment
Growing in consciousness daily
A lifetime experienced fully
Outer goals reached most easily
by travelling the road paved
with our unseen, but experienced virtues
Care, patience, fortitude, compassion
preparin' a smoother way

© 2000 Susan Kramer
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